
Actions are the primary business objects for Works Management in Conquest. They are created for work to be performed on an Asset. When Completed, they provide the works history for such Assets.

Actions are primarily created on Conquest Data Objects, such as:



      Actions (create a succeeding Action)


Actions can also be generated from:

      A Logbook

      Standard Actions, which provide a template, on which common data is pre-entered, to help keep similar Actions consistent

      A Standard Defect

      A Cyclic Action

      A Repeatable Action

      CMTPC - Upload

      CSV files into the Import Manager

      Third party software using the Conquest API

Actions can be:

      Grouped together using Master Actions, to enable many Actions relating to one or more Assets, to be managed together

      Used to assist with forecasting future expenditure

Action Types

Conquest provides a number of different Action Types, which control the behaviour of Actions, as described in the following table:

Action Type



This is the simplest form of Action and is intended to be used for reactive work


For use with Actions that have been generated as part of a planning process


Can only be created on Proposed Assets and are for the purpose of recording and capitalising the value of the Asset. The Action Completion process changes the Asset’s status from Proposed to Existing

New Works

Represent Capital Works and can be applied to Existing or Proposed Assets. When the Asset is Proposed, Completing the Action changes the proposed Asset’s status to Existing


Dispose of all or part of an existing Asset and record the financial information of its; sale, demolition or decomissioning

Log Book

Created based on the usage of an Asset, as recorded in a Log Book


Created based on a predefined frequency for an Asset Type


Created based on a predefined frequency for an Asset.


For work based on the forecast deterioration of an Asset in the Conquest RSM. Applies purely to Standard Actions for the RSM and is not available for Actions.


To group other Actions, making them into Sub-Actions and managing them together

Purchase, New Works and Disposal Actions can only be applied to Valuation Assets because of their impact on financial value. See How To Manage Financial Data for more details.