Action Form Tasks

On an editable, Unscheduled Action, except for those that are greyed out, the Tasks are as follows:

      New - Depending on the state of the Action and on your permissions, the New Task is populated with all of the Data Objects that can be created for an Action:

      Copy Action see Rules for Copying and Moving objects

      Move Action see Rules for Copying and Moving objects

      Delete will not work if the Action is related to a Request or a Defect or, if it is locked. See How To Lock Action Data

      Apply Standard Action see How To Apply a Standard Action

      Request Approval see Action Tab - Appr. Requested

      Issue Work Order see Issue

      Assignment History displays a list of Organisation Units that have been assigned to the Action over time

      Send Email see How To Create an Action

      Relate Requests see Relate to a Request

      Relate Defects see Relate to a Defect

      Select Master Action see Select a Master Action

      View Master Action opens the Master Action Form, if the Action is assigned to a Master

      Clear Master Action removes the Master Action, if the Action is assigned to a Master

      Complete see How To Complete An Action

      Reports gives a list of Conquest Reports that have been defined for the Action Form

      Add to Favourites puts the selected Action at the bottom of the Favourites List. See The Favourites List