Rules for Copying and Moving Conquest Objects


      You can’t copy or move anything to an Action, Defect, Log Book or Inspection

      You can’t copy or move a Log Book or an Inspection


      You can’t copy Assets unless the option set in the System Options allows it:




      You can’t copy or move Assets to a parent Asset, if the resulting number of Child Assets for the target Asset would exceed 999

      You can’t copy or move an Asset to itself

      You can’t copy or move an Asset to one of its descendants

      You can’t copy or move an Asset if you don’t have edit permission on the Asset

      You can’t move an Asset, if it, or any of its descendants, is checked out to Conquest Mobile

      Rules for Valued Assets, for which the definition is; an Asset that has the ‘Valuation Asset’ checkbox ticked:

      You can’t copy Valued Assets unless the System Option ‘Allow valued assets to be copied’ is ticked

      You can’t copy Disposed Assets

      You can’t copy or move a Proposed or Existing Asset to become a descendent of a Disposed Asset

      You can’t copy or move a Valued Asset, to a place in the hierarchy that makes it a descendant of another Valued Asset

      Copying a Valued Asset will create a new Valued Asset with zero valuation data

      Rules for Valuation Child Assets:

      Copying a Valuation Child Asset to a location in the hierarchy, where it no longer has above it a Valuation Asset that is valued by children, creates a standard, non-Valuation Asset

      Moving a Valuation Child Asset to a location in the hierarchy, where it no longer has above it a Valuation Asset that is valued by children, changes the Valuation Child to a standard, non-Valuation Asset


      You can’t move Defects to the root node of the Asset Explorer

      You can’t copy Defects

      You can’t move Defects to a Disposed Asset

      When moving Defects, if the Defect is the only one associated with the original Asset and Inspection record then that Inspection record is deleted


      You can’t copy or move Actions to the root node of the Asset Explorer

      You can’t copy or move an Action if you don’t have edit permission on that Action

      You can’t copy or move Log Book or Cyclic Actions

      You can’t copy or move Disposal Actions to a Proposed Asset

      You can’t copy or move Purchase Actions to an Existing Asset

      You can’t copy or move any Action to a Disposed Asset

      Copying an Action copies:

      All the Tasks, Resources and Estimated data but not the Actual data

      All the Repeatable Action schedules.  If the start date for the schedules is prior to the current date, they will be changed to be the current date plus 1 day for each schedule

Standard Defects

      You can move Standard Defects anywhere in the Asset Type Explorer except the root node

Standard Actions

      You can copy or move Standard Actions anywhere in the Asset Type Explorer except the root node

      Copying a Standard Action copies:

      All of its Tasks, Resources and Estimated data