
Conquest Administrator Users can add more Users as time goes by. Click on the Users option on the left of the Dashboard, which displays a list of the existing Users for your organisation:

To add a new User, click the ‘Add User’ button on the top-right:

Enter the details:

      The Username is in email format and must be unique within your organisation although it may not be a true email address. The Domain part of the email address (the part that comes after the @ symbol) must have been registered to your organisation in the Conquest Services Portal. More than one Domain can be registered

      Enter the User’s first and last names

      You can see the Organisation name but not change it

      ‘Role’ is a Droplist, from which you select ‘User’ or ‘Administrator’

      Click ‘Save’

The new User can now access Conquest Live as described in Connecting . However, if their role is ‘User’, they won’t be able to do much, until you use Conquest III to assign them to a Permission Group. See How To Manage Conquest Users for details.