How To Manage Conquest Users

Select Accounts and Permissions in the Configuration section of the Navigation Window, to open the User Accounts Form, to manage Conquest Users based on their Active Directory account name.

To add a new User:

      Click the New > User Task

      Enter the Active Directory Account Name into the Local Account field

      Enter the name that the User will see in Conquest Apps, into the Full Name field

      Enter an email address for the User, which must conform to one of the Email Domains recorded for your organisation in the Conquest Services Portal by Conquest Solutions Support, in this example

      Note: The Services Account Information is not yet available at this stage of the new account

      Set General Permissions:

      Tick the User checkbox for Users, who don’t need to do everything, so are restricted by the Permissions assigned to them, usually to a Permission Group, as well as by the availability of Conquest licences

      Tick Reserve User Licence for those important Users, who must not be delayed by insufficient licences being available

      Tick the Requests Only User for Users, who are restricted to Customer Requests functionality only

      Tick the Reserve Request Only Licence for those important Request Only Users, who must not be delayed by insufficient licences being available

      Optionally set the level of Conquest Map use

      If the User is a Contractor, select their organisation from the Contractor list. Note: there is an “Actions Option” in the Options Form, which can be set to stop Contractor Users from Completing Actions

      In the Group Membership section. Select a predefined Permission Group that the User is to belong to

      Click Save to record the User details in Conquest

      Check that you have the details right then click Update Services, which will either create a Services Record or, if one already exists, update it

Note: When a new Services Record is created it has by default, a Services Role of ‘Customer’ and a Licence Level of ‘Full User’.

You will see that the Email Address has become Read Only. Changes to the Email Address can only be done with assistance from Conquest Support because it is the unique identifier between Conquest Services and Conquest Apps

      Changes to the Services Account Information: update Conquest Services and Local Conquest immediately:

      If you want the User to be a Conquest Administrator, set their Role to Conquest Administrator, their Licence Level to ‘Full User’, tick the Administrator checkbox in the General section and click Save

      If you change the Licence Level to End User, the Administrator checkbox will be become unticked and non-editable

      Note: If you set your own Account to have a Licence Level of ‘End User’, you will no longer be an Administrator after you exit the Accounts and Permissions Form

Things to be aware of:

Unless there is good reason, do not assign; Object, Report and Facility permissions to individual Users. Instead, set permissions in a ‘Permission Group’. See How To Manage Permission Groups;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details.

A User can belong to one or more Permission Groups. When this is the case the Report and Facility permissions are merged. Object permissions are given to the User from a combination of their User and Group permissions, on a “Least Restrictive” basis. See How To Set Object, Report and Facility permissions for details.