
If you haven’t had your workstation or mobile device set up for Conquest III, your IT support group will need to do so. See  Client Workstation for details.

Open Internet Explorer 11 and enter into the address bar, ‘’. The web browser on your workstation will store the address and auto-complete it for you in future.

The Conquest Customer Portal login screen displays:

Enter your Username, which is your normal, business email address, and Password, to open a “Conquest Live Dashboard” session, which you can leave running all day. You can double-click in the Username field to display the last username(s) that you have used. If you select one, the password is “remembered” too.

Conquest Live Apps that you can use are listed. Click the Launch button beside the one you want. A progress spinner will appear briefly, as it loads for the first time each day. Usually you won’t see the spinner on every Launch; only when the web browser has just been fully refreshed or there has been an update to the Conquest App.

If you are new to Conquest, use the section on Navigation to help you familiarise yourself with how the Conquest App works. Otherwise go directly to the work you were last doing.