Use an Existing View

In the View Manager panel, left-click on the expander arrowhead on the left of a View Category to list Views already defined in it. Click a View to display a result set of its items in rows. Although the results are displayed in text format, each row represents a Conquest Object and can be double-clicked to open it in its Data Form.  Decimal numbers are displayed rounded to two places, so for more precise, passive data that can be exported to 3rd party tools, use the Query Builder

See How To Use The View Manager for details on the View Manager and View ownership.

See How To Edit a View for details on how to edit a view, which is essentially the same.

Here’s a list of some typical views with a description of what the Criteria may be.

      Uncompleted Actions                                         An Action View, where Completed is False

      My Uncompleted Actions                                   An Action View, where Completed is False and OrganisationCode is Equal to ‘Me’

      Assets to be inspected this Month                   An Asset View, where Next Inspection is less than or equal to the End of this Month

      Worst Condition Road surfaces                        An Asset View, where Type Code is a descendant of ‘Road Surfaces’ and the Condition Point is greater than 7 (assuming a score of 0-10)

      High priority Defects                                           A Defect View, where Defect Priority is Equal to ‘1 – High Priority’

Each row in the View Results list represents a Conquest Object and can be opened in its own Information Window form by double-clicking it or by clicking the relevant Select task.

The View Results are displayed in a basic Conquest III List. For details on refining a Conquest III List, see How to Filter a List.

A View can have some or all of its rows output to a CSV file, which might then be edited to suit external requirements or to Import bulk changes into Conquest.