Create a View

In the View Manager panel, right-click on the desired category of View and select ‘New View’ to open the Conquest III View Editor form in the Information window:

      Enter a short, meaningful name. This is what’s seen in the View Manager navigation panel, so a long name could be hard to read

      Optionally enter a description of the View’s purpose, if this is not clearly understandable from the name

      If the View Object type has an Attribute Set (Asset, Action and Defect all do) then, if there is an Attribute Set relevant to the data to be retrieved by the View, select it from the drop-list, which provides:

      An addition to the View Criteria created with the Filter Builder.

      Meaningful, Attribute Set column-labels in the Filter Builder and in the Results, rather than the generic Conquest labels e.g. Dimension1, Dimension2

      The Action Object Type has the Action Category drop-list available, which works similarly to Attribute Set

      Administrators can tick the ‘System View’ checkbox, if they are creating a View for all users

      Administrators also have access to the ‘View Fields’ Task, which allows them to set the columns that are available to a View Object. The column selection should be fairly generic (i.e. for Assets it might be AssetID, AssetDescription, AssetType and ConditionPoint). The theory is that there should be enough data in the list to identify the Asset/Action etc. Double-click any item in the Results List, to open it

      To build the View Criteria see How To Use The Filter Builder for details

Some Typical Views

This is a list of some typical views with a description of what the Criteria may be:

      Uncompleted Actions.                                                     An Action View Where Completed is False

      My Uncompleted Actions.                                              An Action View Where Completed is False and Org Unit Name is Equal to ‘My Name’

      Assets to be inspected this Month.                  An Asset View Where Next Inspection is less than or Equal to the End of this Month

      Worst Condition Road surfaces.                       An Asset View where Type Code is a descendant of ‘Road Surfaces’ and the Condition Point is greater than 7 (assuming a score of 0-10)

      High priority Defects.                                                      A Defect View where Defect Priority is Equal to ‘1 - High Priority’