How To Filter a List

Use the Filter and Sort capabilities built into the Standard List Column Headings to refine the contents:

      To Sort a list by one of its columns, click on the Column Heading. The first click puts the List into Descending Order on the selected column. Each subsequent click reverses the order

      In this example “Date Created” is clicked and now has a little, up-pointing Arrowhead above the heading label:

      Click again, to put the List into Ascending Order so there is now a little, down-pointing Arrowhead above the heading label:

      Hover the pointer over a Column Heading like ‘Action Description” in this example:

      Click the Arrowhead on its right, to see the options:

      In this example the “Contains” qualifier is selected

      In this example the Text Box on the right has “work item” entered (Case doesn’t matter):

      Click the Filter button so only the Action Descriptions with “Work Item” in them remain in the List

      Note: The Column Heading now has a little “Funnel” symbol on the right:

      Note: The List Results label is qualified by the Filter Results:

      To return to the full list, click the Column Heading - Drop List Arrowhead, then click the Clear button:

      You can enter more than one Filter on a Standard List