Microsoft Windows

Conquest supports NT Windows Authorisation via Groups and for individual Users. See Client Side for details of supported Windows and Office Versions.

Some Conquest Options store Network Paths in the Conquest database and, in the case of Conquest II, the Windows Registry. It is best practice to use UNC Paths. See Custom Installation, Step 4, for more details.

Conquest II uses the Windows Registry, which is usually managed well enough by Windows. However, aborted installations and uninstallations, power outages or malware corruptions can leave the registry in a state that could affect the outcome of subsequent administrative operations, such as installing Conquest software. Use of a reputable brand of Registry repair or maintenance software may prevent unexpected problems with installations.

If users have AD Roaming profiles, then care must be taken not to allow multiple sessions for the same user to conflict with each other, especially when setting Conquest Library references. The Microsoft Windows Roaming Profiles technology works well for Conquest II provided that the default Windows permissions are used for the User application data folder. It is recommended that the AD server should be the same generation of Windows as the PCs being used by roaming users, or earlier i.e. Server 2003 with XP, Server 2003 with Windows 7, Server 2008 with Windows 7.

Note:     Folders and share names in the paths for Conquest should not include characters that Microsoft has designated to be Special e.g. & < > (  ) @ ^ |

                Even though these special characters were published by Microsoft for early versions of Windows, the rule still applies, even for Windows 8.

If such characters are already entrenched in the network, create Shares to the folders for Conquest files and, then use those Shares in Conquest Options for paths.