HPERM is Hewlett Packard Enterprise Records Management, also known as Trim 9.

You need a HPERM Integration Licence from Conquest Solutions for your IT Administrator to apply to your Conquest Databases from the Management Console.

Integration in Conquest III is from version 3.0333 and provides the following functions:

      The association of an Asset to one or more containers (folders) in HPERM.  This association propagates down the Asset Hierarchy, so that child assets are associated to the same container

      Registration of documents in HPERM during the process of linking the document in Conquest

      The ability to search for a document in HPERM to link to an Asset, Action, Defect, Asset Type, Standard Action in Conquest

      Work orders snapshots can be registered in HPERM

NOTE: For Integration with Conquest III see the “How To” section of the Conquest III User Guide:

      How To Configure Conquest HPERM Integration

      How To Link an Asset to a Trim Container

      How To Link Trim documents to Conquest