How To Use E-mail

Send e-mails from within Conquest III:

      When an Action or Request is assigned (or re-assigned) to an organizational unit

      When a Work Order is issued

      From any Conquest Form or List Item that has a “Share Link” (3 chain links icon) button

      From a Report with the output as an attachment

      From a Query with the results of the Query as an attachment

      From the Conquest Logger with a log file as an attachment

Use the Outlook e-mail form for composing emails as shown below:

Use the SMTP e-mail form for composing server based emails as shown below:

      The email Recipient (To) is based on the email address configured in the Organisation Unit settings

      The E-mail Sender (From) is provided by Outlook or, when Server Based E-mail is used, the User’s account, Email field

      Edit the subject and body of the message

      Add any number of attachments then click “Send”

Things to be aware of:

Setting up the base content of the Mail Body is defined in How To Use The Email Merge Editor.

Setting email up is an Administrator task defined in How To Set Up E-mail.