How To Manage Document Attachments

You can attach a file, referred to as a Document, to the primary Conquest Data Forms and also to the “Standard Data Forms. All of the forms work the same way:

      Clicking on the Document Name (a web browser link) to:

      Open an image file in a new Web Browser Tab

      Download a non-image file, either opening it in its local program e.g. Word, or saving it to local disk

      Work with a file by clicking on the background inside its border and choosing a Task

      Put the Data Object Form into Edit mode to make Tasks available to change the state of its documents:

      Click the ‘New Document’ Task to open the ‘New Document’ dialog form, which allows:

      Upload of a new file. See How To Upload a New Document for details

      Reuse an Existing file that has already been uploaded to another Data Object. See How To Reuse an Existing Document for details

      Create a Document Attachment that follows a Web Link (URL)

      Delete the selected file. Note: This does not delete it from the Document Directory, just from the Data Object being edited

      Change the description of the file. Note: This does not change the filename in the Document Directory, just the description given to its use with the Data Object being edited

      View the Document in a fresh Browser Tab

      Make a local copy of the document

Things to be aware of:

For Windows Security reasons, Conquest III on the client workstation cannot send file path information to the Web Server. To work safely within this restriction, Conquest III stores the file path information in the Conquest database. The side effects of this are:

      If the file path information is changed outside of Conquest but is not updated in the database, the Conquest path information becomes incorrect and causes errors, when trying to use the files from the Document Tab

      New folders under the ‘Document Directory’ should always be added through the ‘New Document’ Form by an Administrator, although if they are added from Windows they can still be used by Conquest III

If there are documents that were attached with Conquest II, that have the full UNC Path of the file rather than a path relative to the ‘Document Directory’ specified in the Conquest System Options, then permission to open them from Conquest III will have to be set up by the IT department. This is a one-off process described in Kerberos Delegation.

If Conquest III is to be used over the Internet, there may be some IT defined limits on file sizes. For technical details, so that IT can act to overcome issues with bigger files, see Configure the Firewall for Large Files.