How To Upload a New Document

Click the ‘New Document’ Task then, in the ‘New Document’ dialog form, select the ‘New File’ Tab.

If the file is to go into a sub-folder of the ‘Document Directory’, use the Ellipsis button on the right side of the grey “Folder Bar”, to open the Conquest ‘Select a folder’ dialog form, which displays a Hierarchy of the sub-folders in the ‘Document Directory’. For details on how an Administrator manages folders in the ‘Document Directory’ see How To Manage the Document Directory.

Navigate to the desired folder and Select it, which returns focus to the New Document dialog form, with the folder displayed in the grey “Folder Bar”:

Click the ‘Click to select a file’ link, which opens a Windows file selection browser window. Find and select the file to be uploaded then click the ‘Open’ button, which returns to the New Document dialog form and displays the file name under the ‘Click to select a file’ link.

Finally, edit the Document Description if required, and click OK.

Rather than upload a document that has already been uploaded to another Data Object, such as a certificate or plan, it is possible to reuse the Existing document. See How To Reuse an Existing Document for details.