Cyclic Actions

Cyclic Actions are Actions that are repeated at regular intervals.  Set up correctly this section allows an operator to manage their cyclic activities.  A cyclic Action is created as a Standard Action on an Asset Type, with a few minor differences in the set up.

The first form is for filter creation/selection that produces a list of cyclic schedules.

You would create this filter in the same way as other filters.  When creating these filters it is useful to include due by criteria such as "Due Date is less than today".  This would then allow an operator to see the work has come due and then decide whether to go ahead with this or to delay it.

A previously created filter can also be selected.  During the setup of this section a number of filters should be created so the operator can quickly manage the Assets they are responsible for.

This list displays all cyclic schedules and the associated Assets that meet the filter.  Upon making a selection you have three options.

      Edit Details: - Allows changes to be made to the scheduled cycle, see section on Cyclic Action Details below.

      Create: - Clicking this button will create this Action against the Asset.  This allows the operator to then add or edit any information to this Action before issuing.  The due date will also be increased by the cycle duration.

      Issue: - Selecting this will create the Action and mark it as issued.  If the Issue To fields in the Cyclic Action Details section has been set up then the work order will be printed or email to the defined recipient.