How To Administer User Permissions

The Conquest security model is based on User and Group accounts.  Users who log in to Conquest are identified by their network username. Therefore, for a person to have access to the system, their network username must be registered in Conquest.

Permissions can be given directly to Users but it is usually more efficient to give them to Groups and then give Users membership to a Group.

The actual permissions that a User has, when using Conquest, are the least restrictive of their User and Group Permissions e.g. On Assets “User=Read Only, Group=Edit” gives the User Edit permission on Assets. However, when permissions are set at the Asset Type, they override the combination of User and Group Permissions, when working with Assets of that Type. See Asset Type Security for more details. Furthermore, Asset Types with permission of “Not Set” will inherit permission from an ancestor Asset Type with permission set.

The Accounts and Permissions form provides administrators with the ability to add or remove Groups, Users and functions to which they have access.