Email Options

      ‘Allow Outlook Email, when available’



Allow Outlook Email, when available

Tick this to allow Conquest III, on workstations where the Conquest Desktop Extender has been installed, to use Outlook for Emails. For details see Set Up the Conquest Desktop Extender.

Use Server based Email (SMTP)

Tick this to allow emails to be sent from the SQL Server for Conquest. See How To Use E-mail for more information.

SMTP Server

Set this to the IP address of the SMTP Server for Server Based Email. For Microsoft Office365, set it to the URL of the Office365 Exchange Server


Set this to the Port assigned for Server Based E-mail

SMTP Requires Transport Layer Security

Tick this if the SMTP Server is set up for Transport Layer Security (TLS-02)

Authentication Method

Choose one of:

    Not Required


    Specify Credentials


If the Authentication Method is ‘Specify Credentials’ then put the identifying E-mail address here


If the Authentication Method is ‘Specify Credentials’ then put the Password of the identifying E-mail address here

Username can send as

If the Authentication Method is ‘Specify Credentials’ and the Username e-mail address is to be the Sender, Tick this

Send from this Email Address

If the Authentication Method is ‘Specify Credentials’ and ‘Username can send as’ is not ticked then put the sending E-mail address here

Can send on behalf

If the Authentication Method is ‘Specify Credentials’ and ‘Send from this Email Address’ is set then tick this to include a “Sent on behalf of email address” in SMTP E-mails. This requires E-mail accounts of Conquest Users to have Delegated to the ‘Send from this Email Address’

CC the sender

Tick this for SMTP E-mails to be copied to the sender