Conquest II Validations

User definable Validations give the Conquest Administrator much more control over data entered. Nearly all the text user fields can have validations and/or lookups attached to them so as to ensure more accurate data entry. This will require some knowledge of Visual Basic to create the functions. Alternatively Conquest solutions could write the functions for you from details provided.

***** NOTE: The primary purpose of Validation functions is to assist data entry through the standard Conquest User Interface. They do NOT occur during Bulk Data Imports and Updates. To avoid data inconsistencies make sure that imported data is preconfigured to Validation rules. *****

Conquest provides the facility for users to define their own Validations for certain functions. These functions include:

      Data entered into any of the free form text fields

      Requesting approval for an Action

      Issuing an Action

In addition, it is possible to add a user defined lookup for any of the free form text fields.

User defined validations are created by first writing and testing a function in the master UserInterface.mdb library that is supplied with Conquest II. The library is an unsecured Access 2003 database called UserInterface.mdb. See the Library References page

Three types of functions can be written process validations, data validations and lookups.

Once the Validation has been written it can then be assigned in the Validation Editor Form.