Validation Editor

Data Validations and Lookups are assigned to free form text fields in the Data Validation and Lookup Editor. This form is opened by selecting Tools>System Tools>Validation Editor.

Refer to Validation Overview for information regarding Validations.

Data Validations and Lookups are grouped together and assigned to a field as follows:

      Adding a Validation Group
Click the Add button and fill in the Group Description. Enter the names of the Data Validation and Lookup functions in their respective fields. Note that the Data Validation is mandatory but the Lookup can be left blank
Changes to the group are saved by selecting another group, clicking into the Validation assignment grid or closing the form.

      Editing a Validation Group
Select the appropriate group in the list and make the appropriate changes

      Deleting a Validation Group
Select the appropriate group in the list and click the delete button.

      Assigning a Validation Group to a Field
To assign a Validation group to a field, select the appropriate field in the pick list in the Field column of the grid, then select the appropriate validation group.
If the selected field is an Asset or Action field, the Apply To columns and the Copy Down columns are enabled. The Apply To column allows the user to apply the Validation Group to a select Asset Type or Action Category (depending on the field type). The Copy Down column allows the user to define set whether the Validation Group is applicable to children of the selection in the Apply To column.

      Removing a Validation Group Assignment
Select the row containing the Validation Group Assignment and click the Delete button on the right of the grid.