Library References

This form lists all the Linked Libraries in Conquest and is mainly used on request from Conquest Solutions Support. Although the Remove Button is active, do not use it unless instructed to do so by a Conquest Support person.

The Library References form includes the Conquest II common library files “UserInterface.mdb” and “Conquest Reports.mdb”, which should be located and managed on a network drive, which Conquest users have read/write access to, as the single source of the library files. This is why they are referred to as Masters.

Note: Having Master libraries avoids the risk of having multiple libraries on local machines, which could become unsynchronized with each other and the version of Conquest II being used, leading to the possibility of errors and delays.

In the screen capture above, the “UserInterface” library is selected, so that in the Library Details section, the “Full Path” field shows the local copy and the “Master User Interface” field shows where the Master library is. It is the local copy that Conquest II uses during each session after refreshing it from the Master. Refreshing the local copy happens as follows; when Conquest II is started it opens both the master and local UserInterface.mdb files and compares a DateTimeStamp value in the tblLastUpdate table in both databases. If they are different, Conquest II gets the latest version by replacing the local UserInterface.mdb with a copy of the Master.

The same technique applies to the “Conquest Reports.mdb”.