

Log Book Editing

      Added a new System Option to control whether only administrators or users with edit permissions on the Asset are able to edit previous Log Book readings.  This has been implemented as an option as changing log book entries may have implications for any pending Log Book Actions.  It is the user’s responsibility to make sure that pending Log Book Actions are correct after editing the readings.

Bug Fixes

Asset Form

      Fixed a bug in the Asset Form that reversed the display of ActualAge field.  Prior to version 2.53e1 (the release of the updated Asset Form) an entry of True in this field indicated that the Date Created was an estimated value.  This was inadvertently reversed in 2.53e1.

Please note that any Assets that have been created in the User interface (as opposed to batch imports) or Assets that have been edited after this release will be inconsistent with previous values.  Please contact support if you need assistance fixing this issue.