Troubleshooting Conquest 3

This section gives some tips on what to check on, when things don’t work.

Windows Server

A common cause of failure is insufficient permission on the “App_Data” folder and its subfolders, for the AD Security Group of Conquest Users. The permission is put in place by the Management Console, when it creates a Conquest web site, but if it is subsequently changed for some reason, client sessions of Conquest 3 will soon fail. See IIS Permissions for details

The Conquest 3 Web Site is normally stable and can be left unattended for long periods of time. However, when the Web Server is shared with other applications, there is an increased chance of failure caused by interference with them. It is good practice to restart the Conquest 3 Web Site, on the completion of changes to other applications on the Web Server

Best performance is provided by Windows Server 2012 or later

Query Builder - SQL Tab

From version 3.0400.4 the Query Builder - SQL Tab no longer supports use of the dash (-) character in column aliases. The underscore character is a good replacement. Fixed in version 3.0401.

Action Form

In version 3.0333.4 editing an Action that was created from a Standard Action can give a permissions error, depending on the structure of the Knowledge Base Hierarchy. The problem is fixed in version 3.0333.6 and later. If you aren’t updating Conquest 3 for a while, the problem is easily fixed by putting a single line of Iron Python code into the Action Form Load extension. Please contact us at Conquest Support for assistance, if this happens to you.

Asset Form - Deleting

In versions 3.0333.2-8 deleting an Asset, which has a Condition Inspection, gives an error. This is fixed in version 3.0333.10. In the interim, the work around is to Retire the Asset.

Asset Form - Edit Date

In versions 3.0333.0-6 making an edit in the Asset Form has given the related Actions the same Edit Date and Editor as that of the Asset. This is fixed in version 3.0333.8. Action data affected by this can be handled as follows:

      If you are making no use of the Action, Edit Date and Editor, do nothing

      Update Conquest III to the 3.0333.8 or later, Patch version then:

      Correct the dates on Completed Actions of Assets that have been edited, by setting Edit Date and Editor to the Completion Date and Completed By values. Please contact us at Conquest Support for assistance in doing this

      Let the Actions that are yet to be Completed correct themselves as they progress through their lifecycle

Asset Type Form

Some work remains to be done to push changes of the Asset Type, Security data out to Conquest Sessions. Should you change the Security on an Asset Type e.g. include another Permissions Group, you will need to ask the affected Users to ‘Log Out’ then ‘Log’ In for the changes to take effect. This applies to all versions of Conquest III. See How To Set Permissions on Asset Types for more details.

Batch Tools and Imports

The Batch Tools and the Import Manager are very useful time savers, when it comes to quickly loading a lot of data. However, there is a down side, if you run too many batches at once, you will swamp your SQL Server’s capacity, causing timeout errors leading to uncertainty as to what data has been changed. At the moment, it takes some planning to set your Batch processes and Imports off at regular intervals, so that you don’t get errors.

In a future release there will be a Queue Manager feature introduced to allow fine control over the Batch and Import jobs.

The Edit permission on Actions also gives Edit on Defects but fails to allow Import Defects in the Import Manager. This is fixed in version 3.0333.10. In the interim, give affected Users edit on Assets, if that’s possible.

Organisation Editor

In all versions prior to 3.0333.4 the Organisation Editor can create duplicate items under some circumstances, which will stop further items being added to that part of the Organisation Hierarchy.

For database versions, 3.1 or later, the Refresh System Objects function of the Management Console has been enhanced, to provide a list of Hierarchical tables that have duplicated “Branch Codes”.

The duplication is easily repaired, so please contact us at Conquest Support for assistance, if this happens to you.

Database version

Database version and System Objects versions are related. From System Objects version 3.3 onwards, you can no longer use Conquest II v2.59a5 or earlier for Batch Valuation; you must use Conquest 3 3.0333.4 or later.

Conquest Version 3.0333.2 or later, requires database version 3.1, or 3.2 for you to use to use CMTPC version 4.0021 and 4.0022. The Management Console facilitates the database upgrade to 3.2 but does not align your Conquest 3 3.0333.2 web site, which needs the web.config file to be adjusted. If you aren’t using CMTPC 4.0021 or 4.0022, you are not affected by this problem.

Conquest version 3.0400 or later, requires database version 3.4 and System Objects version 3.4.1

Please contact us at Conquest Support for assistance, if this applies to you.

Icon Files

In all versions prior to 3.0333.4 the file paths for Icons shown in the Recently Viewed List and in the Favourites List are encoded for security purposes, which can make their length greater than 255 characters, which was the database column length to store the path from the Asset Types Form and in other places, where the path does not have to be retained on the client side. This means that, if you do have long paths to Icons for Asset Types and other Standard Objects, you could experience an overflow error.

The problem is fixed in version 3.0333.4 and requires the database to be upgraded to version 3.3. The upgrade is optional and only necessary, if you have the overflow error.

Hierarchy Editor

In all versions prior to 3.0333.2 the Hierarchy Editor must not be used to delete Hierachy Items, because it can damage the Hierarchy and the Assets that use the deleted item(s). Fixed in version 3.0333.2.

Conquest Reports Issues

In most cases, a Shared Datasource is unnecessary and can in fact cause problems in cloned databases, used for training and testing

Reports won’t run properly on SQL Server 2008 R2

Reporting Services (SSRS) can do some fancy things with layouts, especially in later versions, as in SSRS 2016. The downside of this is that the improved Report features require Internet Explorer 11. If you have a Report that doesn’t run, check that your web browser is Internet Explorer 11 and, if not, upgrade.