Manage Conquest 3

Start the Conquest Management Console.

If you see Click here to update in the Form Header, please do so:

To see a Web Site’s version and authentication details, click inside its panel:

Also inside the panel is the ‘Manage’ drop-list menu, which provides all of the functions you can use on a Conquest Web Site:

      Databases - to make connections to one or more databases

      Update - change the web site version e.g. for Conquest III, from 3.0400 to 3.0401

      Reinstall - refresh the current version e.g. Conquest III version 3.0330 because accidental changes were made to the contents of the “Installation Path” for the Application

      Rollback - go back to an earlier version of the web site Application

      Restart - restart the Web Site

      Extensions - to install an extension, to the Web Site e.g. Customer functionality written for them by Conquest Software

      Settings - to configure security

      Remove - remove the Web Site

      Register - to activate the application and enable its full functionality

You may want to have multiple Conquest web sites and databases to cover some or all of the following:


      Acceptance Testing



The Production database is the definitive source for the other three, which need to be refreshed from it, at intervals over time.

It looks relatively simple to begin with but it can become complex. All of the parameters that govern the operation of Conquest 3 are kept in the database, available to the Conquest Administrator from the Options Form e.g.

      Document Directory

      Reports Server

      Integration Settings

      3rd party software addresses

You will need to configure these parameters differently for each Conquest 3 Web Site that you set up, so that in operation they do not interfere with each other.

The Management Console is good for managing multiple web sites in most circumstances. if there are problems, please contact Conquest Support through the Ticket System.

Things to be aware of:

      There is no restriction on the number of Conquest Web Sites on a Web Server

      Do not use the same Application Path file location between Web Sites

      Do not share an Application Pool between any of the Web Sites on the same Web Server

      Another way of doing multiple instances of Conquest III is to use Virtual Servers, each named appropriately and each with its own version of Conquest e.g. AMCQ3Prod, AMCQ3Test, AMCQ3Eval