Conquest 3 Evolution

Improvements to functionality, performance and stability on earlier versions of Conquest 3. See What’s New on the latest version.

3.0401.9 Patch Release

      Resolves a technical issue with End User access to some Views and Queries

      Re-enables transparent icon backgrounds on the Asset Hierarchy

      Fixes a technical issue related to adding new documents with the TRIM integration

      Improved the file picker functionality when changing files/icons that were initially set to an external file storage

      Fixes an issue where Conquest would occasionally throw a “Disposed Transaction object” error

3.0401.3 Patch Release

      Resolves a technical issue, when sending an SMTP email with attached Azure Blob Storage documents. There are no Asset Management functionality changes in this version

      When changing the Dept data via an Action Import, a new assignment record is created

      Assets can now be given a Default Document Folder, to support simplified capturing of documents (photos) in mobile. This setting is implemented in a hierarchical fashion, i.e. when using the New Document function, if an Asset does not have a default document location, it will look upwards in the Asset hierarchy until it finds an ancestor with a Default Document Folder and use that. If no default is set, documents will be stored in the root Document Directory

      Added a new dialog to confirm the deletion of a Severity Index which has already been used on a Standard Defect.

      Fixes the copy Views, Queries, Report Filters and Financial Tool Filters

      Fixes a technical issue with the Replacement Cost Modification tool

      Improves performance related to some system metadata large growth rate

      Conquest 3 on Customer Premises now works with storage in the Conquest Cloud

      The Attribute Set, Hint function has been extended to all attribute sets, so that they can be accessed in Conquest 4

IT Requirements

The functionality enhancements in this version of Conquest 3 require database changes to be applied.

Some of the steps in this guide may have been performed for previous upgrades. They are included for completeness.

      A TLS certificate installed on the web server

      The web server to have the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.7.2 or later, installed on it

      Use the Conquest Management Console version 1.0.24 or later, to a acquire a SQL script, to upgrade the Conquest Database to version 3.7

See ‘Products - Other’ section in Install the Management Console

      Use the Management Console to Refresh System Objects

3.0401.2 Patch Release for Azure

Resolves a technical issue, when sending an SMTP email with attached Azure Blob Storage documents. There are no Asset Management functionality changes in this version.

3.0401 Build 20200626143834


      Copied Assets no longer lose their Measurement

      Asset Measurement is now updated, when the Asset Type 'Dimension to Value By' is changed

      Renewal Rate is now visible on the Asset Form

      Log Books no longer allow NULL readings to be saved


      When the Batch Description is too long, you will now be told so immediately, rather than failing the Batch Process


      Report RDL is now permitted to contain code for formatting

Knowledge Base

      Renewal Rate is now available in the Types View

      Deleted Organisation Units are now displayed, highlighted in red, on Data Object Forms that use them


      Renewal Rate is now visible on the Asset Form and is available in Views

      ‘Condition at End of Life’ is now available in the Filter Builder

      The Query Builder is now acquiring the Labels from the selected Attribute Set

      The Query Builder now allows dashes in a column alias


      A Defect can now be Completed, provided it has no Uncompleted Actions, by setting the CompleteDate in the Defect Form

Import Manager

      A Defect can now be Completed, provided it has no Uncompleted Actions, by setting the CompleteDate in Imports

      Import Manager now disallows the use of NewMeasurement for any Action Import other than 'Disposal'

      Asset Import of Condition no longer fails, when Condition Type is ‘Condition Distribution (%)’


      Conquest Views can now be marked as available to Conquest 4 Mobile, which means that the Mobile User no longer has to scroll through unsuitable Views

      Issuing Work Orders by printer now displays them in the web browser

3.0400.10 Build 20200409135353

There are no Asset Management functionality enhancements in this version.

This version addresses a problem with the handling of number fields in the Filter Builder, created in version 3.0400.8 Security Update for Conquest 3 on the Internet:

      To Logout idle client sessions at a set interval, use the Management Console to select a Conquest III Instance then use the Settings menu to set the interval

      For the primary Conquest III Internet Security changes.

3.0400.8 Build 20200212145335

There are no Asset Management functionality enhancements in this version. Addresses security on the Internet:

      Client sessions accessing the server-side file system for files attached to Conquest Data Objects will encrypt the path to such files:

      The existing Document Directory, including sub-folders, and the Work Order Directory are the only paths that Conquest can write files to

      Pre-existing paths to files attached to Conquest Data Objects that are outside of the Document Directory can be defined in the System Options (read only)

      A comprehensive list of file types is provided in the System Options. File types that are not needed can be deleted from the list.

      New files being attached to Conquest Data Objects must conform to the file types list

      From the Management Console use the Settings option of each Conquest III instance as follows:

      The SQL Tab of the Query Builder can be made available to:

     All Users

     Administrators only


      The “Unexpected Error” Form can have the “Details Icon” (Green Question Mark button) hidden, so technical error details cannot be viewed

To initialise the encryption and protection of files for Conquest Data Objects, the Conquest Administrator must:

      Open the Options Form and in the System Options section edit each of ‘Icon for root Node in Asset Explorer’, ‘Document Directory’ and ‘Work Order Snapshot Folder’ options. This can be done by deleting and undeleting the last character of each value then clicking Save

      If you have paths to files outside of the Document Directory, paste them into the ‘Other Permitted Directories’ list, one per line

      Remove unsuitable file type extensions from the ‘Permitted File Types’ list. IT may want to assist you with this

3.0400.7 Build 20200117125326

There are no Asset Management functionality enhancements in this version.

Addresses Licence and Session handling to:

      Authenticate users

      Match users with their data

      Select a general access level

      Maintain sessions across multiple applications and multiple devices

This is made possible by generating, validating and providing applications with a "Security Token", which describes a user, their access level and duration for use of an application. The licence level (access level) and the duration of a licence lease is a part of the "Security Token" description. The framework we employ for creating and maintaining "Security Tokens" is OAuth.

Other changes are:

      Client Sessions exited from the Web Browser without first logging out:

      Will now terminate after one hour

      Can no longer result in a "Duplicate" session

      The ‘Last Use’ date in the ‘Current Users’ Form has been removed because of incorrect data from IIS. This will be reinstated in the future

      Sessions from the Mobile App are visible in the ‘Current Users’ Form but cannot be logged out

3.0400.4 Build 20190822164056

The functionality enhancements in this version are:

      Organisational Units Editor rules improved:

      You can select a deleted Organisation Unit and move it to any other Organisation Unit

      You can select an active Organisation Unit and move it to any other active Organisation Unit but not to a deleted Organisation Unit

      When creating new Organisation Units, they must be either under an active Organisation Unit or at level one

      A Disposed Asset no longer has New Actions, Defects etc available from the ‘New’ Menu

      Moving a Standard Defect no longer generates an exception

      A Query on Assets can now retrieve the Condition Inspection Notes

      In the View Manager, Administrators no longer see Inactive Users

      The Action Priority and Asset Priority reports have been updated with the proper names of the Priority Parameters

      Financial Reports run faster, thanks to a new database index

Cyclic Actions Revision:

      In the Cyclic Actions View - Tasks Window. 'Edit Details' now comes first in the list of Tasks and 'Export Cyclic Action' comes last

      You can now Edit an Action Cycle by double-clicking it in a Cyclic Actions View List

      The Edit Cycle Details Form has an improved layout with the following fields removed:

      Organisation and Contractor - configurable on the Action at Issue time

      Issue Method - Available at Issue

      The Icon in the Cyclic Action View Tabs now displays properly

      Items in a Cyclic Actions View now include the email address from the Standard Action, to identify Actions that cannot be Issued by email

      A selection of items in a Cyclic Actions View now persists, when edits are performed on it, until a fresh selection is made

      Issuing Cyclic Actions is now consistent with other Action Types:

      The Action Form - Issue Task, for Issuing a single Action

      A Master Action - Issue Task, for Issuing multiple Actions

      The Candidate Asset for a Master Action on a List of Cyclic Actions is selectable

      Any Standard Master Action can be selected for a list of Cyclic Actions

      The Action Cycles Form, opened with the Asset Form - Task 'Cyclic Actions':

      Now refreshes, after changes are made

      No longer inherits Standard Actions

IT Requirements

      The Conquest database, upgraded to version 3.5 with a SQL script from the Management Console

      Refresh System Objects must be applied to all of your version 3.5 databases, from the Management Console

3.0400.2 Build 20190701124649

There are no Asset Management functionality changes in this release. Its purpose is to improve stability and reliability, by fully implementing the Conquest Online Licence Model, and includes the capability to operate without the Internet for short periods:

      The Conquest database, upgraded to version 3.4 with a SQL script from the Management Console


      All Conquest III Instances being upgraded to version 3.0400.2 must be Registered in the Management Console, for access to Conquest Services

      All Database Connections for Conquest III Instances on version 3.0400.2 must be edited and Registered with Conquest Services

      Database Connections no longer have an Update Licence function. This is because every User Login re-acquires the available licences from Conquest Services

      Perform Refresh System Objects from the Management Console, for the web site being upgraded. Select the Conquest database connection then select the 3.4.1 Data Objects to refresh

      To use the Outlook Mail Client, Conquest workstations require the Conquest Desktop Extender version 1.3 to be installed. The installer is available from the Conquest Downloads page here

      Note: If you no longer need the 1.02 version and you wish to uninstall it, do so before you install 1.3.

Conquest Services - Customer Portal

      This release implements a revised Licensing Model. This change is to supplement the Conquest Android/iOS App, so that the Conquest Desktop App is aware of the licences in use by the Mobile App and vice versa, at all times

      Contacting the Conquest Customer Portal increases the time taken by Conquest 3 to load into the Web Server memory for the first use each day. To avoid having to experience this delay, it is recommended that the IIS Initialization Component is installed, configured and initialised. Contact Conquest Support, if you need assistance in doing this

      The Conquest Administrator must have a Conquest Services Account with the Customer Administrator role, to be able to use Conquest 3. If this is not the case, contact Conquest Software Support

      Before Conquest Users can Login to Conquest 3, the Conquest Administrator must use the Accounts and Permissions Form to register them in the Conquest Customer Portal. This process is described above in the Administration notes

      When a User logs into the Conquest Android/iOS App for the first time, they will be asked via email, to set their password


Conquest 3 version 3.0400.2 provides these improvements:

      Environments are set up in the Conquest Management Console as:

      A Registered Conquest 3 Instance with the option to mark the instance for Production. Only one instance can be Production

      A Registered Database Connection with the option to mark the database as Production. Only one database can be Production:

     In the Connection Details Form:

     Click Test Connection, to make sure it works

     Click Register database

     In the Registration Form:

      If the database is for your Production Data, tick the Production Checkbox

      Click Register

     Click Save

      All Conquest Database Connections need to be registered, to synchronise with the licences set in the Conquest Services Portal

      The final, mandatory step in changing or setting the Registrations of an Environment, is to launch a Conquest 3 client session on it. Simply Login then Logout, to synchronise the Conquest 3 Instance with Conquest Services

      Environment feedback is given to Conquest 3 Users with a Message Flag on the right-hand side of the Conquest 3 Header, to inform them, when they are not in the Production Environment, for whatever reason:

      When there is no Message Flag displayed, Users are working in the Production instance of Conquest 3, on the Production Database. All such sessions consume a licence, as allocated to the User:

      The Non-Production Data Flag means Users are in the Production instance of Conquest III but with a non-Production Database. Sessions do not consume a licence, provided that the database is Registered:

      The Non-Production Conquest Flag means Users are in a non-Production instance of Conquest III, with a non-Production Database. Sessions do not consume a licence provided that the database is Registered:

      Last but not least, the Non-Production Conquest on Production Data Flag means Users are in a non-Production instance of Conquest III, on the Production Database. This combination would be most unusual. All sessions consume a licence:

      Using an unregistered Database Connection ALWAYS consumes a licence per client session. If you have obsolete Database Connections, it is best to remove them

      On loss of Internet Access, the Production Conquest III Environment will continue to operate on a cached copy of Licences

      Accounts and Permissions Form:

      The Services Account details are now correct

      Administrators can now modify another Administrator’s Services Account details but not those of an IT Administrator

3.0400 Build 20190301092535


      Fixed a problem, where entering a Rate with more than 2 decimal places into the Action Form - Estimates and Costs tab, causes Internet Explorer to hang

      Inspection Program Tool, Map View pane, the Download checkbox now Saves, when ticked/unticked

      Both Users and Administrators now have the Apply Standard Action Task available on initial creation of an Action


      Changes to the Licensing Model to support the Conquest Android/iOS App:

     All Conquest User records must be updated with a valid email address, which conforms to the email domains recorded for your organisation in the Conquest Services Portal

     The existing User licence is now called Full User. It has the same characteristics as before:

      Can be an Administrator

      Can be given access to the Knowledge Base

      Can be given access to the Tools functionality

      Other access to data is through the Permissions Model

     New, End User licence is introduced:

      Cannot be an Administrator

      Has no access to the Knowledge Base

      Has no access to the Tools functionality

      Other access to data is through the Permissions Model

      The first step after the upgrade to version 3.0400 is for the Conquest Administrator to use the Accounts and Permissions Form to upload all of the Conquest Users to Conquest Services, which must be done for them to be able to continue to use Conquest, as follows:

     The Administrator of Conquest must already have a proper email address set to match with their Conquest Services account. If you haven’t set this, contact Conquest Software Support

     The Administrator of Conquest must already have a Conquest Services Account with the Customer Administrator role, to be able to use Conquest III. If you don’t have one, contact Conquest Software Support

     When you open the Accounts and Permissions Form, most Users will show as Not registered but pre-existing Customer Portal Users, who are also Conquest Users, and who have a correct email address, will show as registered

     For each unregistered User:

      Set the Email Address, if there is none, and click Save. It must be unique within your base of Users

      Check that the User details are correct then click Update Services, which will either create a Services Record or, if one already exists, update it

      Note: When a new Services Record is created, it has by default, a Services Role of ‘Customer’ and a Licence Level of ‘Full User’

After a User is linked with a Services Account, you will see that the Email Address has become Read Only. Changes to the Email Address can only be done with assistance from Conquest Support because it is the unique identifier between Conquest Services and Conquest Apps

     To make a User into an Administrator:

      Set their Licence Level to ‘Full User’

      Set their Services Role to Conquest Administrator

      In the General Permissions section tick the Administrator checkbox

      Click Save

     To change a User’s Licence Level to End User, select ‘End User’, which will force a save both locally and in Services. As a result, the Administrator checkbox will be become unticked and non-editable

     Note: If you set your own Account to have a Licence Level of ‘End User’, you will no longer be an Administrator after you exit the Accounts and Permissions Form

      There is a new System Option, for the Conquest Licence Expiry Warning, Administrators will continue to see the warning message from 14 days before expiry. The option is a droplist to select 1-14 as the number of days before non-administrators see the warning message

      Report Manager 'Manage Updates' no longer loses the expander on non-Categorised Reports


      Fixed a problem, when with many Asset Forms open, only the first to be edited could change Dimensions but the other Assets, Dimensions were Read Only

      Sorting of the Asset Transaction List has been disabled

      Replacement Cost History is now being populated

      The Batch Indexation Tool Percentage label has been changed to 'Set Percentage Increase'


      Fixed a problem, where the Next Defect Inspection Date was incorrectly calculated


      Fixed a problem, when adding a new Document, where selecting the file overwrites the entered description

      The Form to select an Icon file for an Asset Type or Standard Object has been improved

      Fixed a problem, where Saving changes in the View Manager took you back to the View Root instead of staying on the current item

      Fixed three issues with the Share Link button, where it was:

     Not showing on Views until a selection was made on the List

     Not working on Requests, when the Hide new Requests option was selected

     Not working on new Queries until refreshed

      Improvements to HPERM (Trim 9) integration fixed a problems:

     When adding a new Document to an Action, on Saving, it was no longer visible

     When adding a new Document with the same name as an existing Document, Conquest gave an exception error instead of a message about the duplication

      The Contact Support item in the Conquest Main Menu, is now available to all Users, not just to Administrators

Import Manager

      Server Side Extensions for Defects are now applied by the Import Manager, when importing Defects

3.0333.10 Build 20181120134225

In this version:

      The date string in the Sessions file no longer matches with the date being used in Conquest, causing log outs. This was initially attributed to incompatibility with Windows Server 2008, but later found to also be affecting other environments

      SignalR on the web server, which pushes changes out to clients, was taking too long to connect to client sessions

      MS Windows 10 Build 1803 no longer allowing the Conquest email attachment cache to be used; stops the Issuing of Work Orders with attachments

3.0333.8 Build 20180607115316

In this version:


      In versions 3.0333 through 3.0333.6, editing an Asset was giving its related Actions the same Edit Date and Editor values as those of the Asset. This has been corrected

      Since version 3.0333.2 deleting an Asset, which has a Condition Inspection, gives an error. This has been corrected


      The Edit Permission on Actions was giving Edit on Defects correctly for opening the Defects Form but was not allowing the Import Manager, Import Defects Task unless the User was granted Edit Permission on Assets. This has now been corrected.

3.0333.6 Build 20180403131508

In this version:

      Start Up:

      In version 3.0333.4, when Conquest III started on the workstation, it was possible for the process of caching the Knowledge Base data to give an error. This has been corrected

      General Fixes:

      The Find Tool was not allowing you to enter an Item value for Lists defined in Attribute Sets; now corrected

      Knowledge Base

      Actions created from Standard Actions inherited from the Knowledge Base hierarchy, were sometimes being given the Asset Type from that position in the hierarchy instead of from the Asset. Although this had no effect on functionality, it could lead to confusion in Query data; now corrected

      In version 3.0333.4, sometimes an Action created from a Standard Action gave a permission error, when being edited.

3.0333.4 Build 20180208160925

In this version:

      General Fixes:

      The "Please Wait" message during batch Valuations/Depreciations/IndexationsGroups is no longer being left behind

      Fixed a problem with the length of the path for an Icon file being exceeded after security encoding. This is unlikely to affect many people but, if it does, use the Management Console to download a database script to upgrade the database to version 3.3 and apply it from SQLServer Management Studio


      The ‘Batch Valuation tool’ was resetting the Expiry Date of all Assets in the Filter instead of just those without an Expiry Date, and was doing so for all Valuation Methods instead of just Replacement Value and Age. This has been corrected

      When an Asset is locked due to being Checked-Out, the message is now given in a message box in the Asset Form header panel, “Read Only: Checked out to Mobile”.

      The ‘Log Book’ Form:

     Now allows initial creation of the ‘Log Book’ and entry of the first Reading, all in one operation, without error

     Allows the Log Date to have a Time part

     Allows multiple Readings on the same day, provided that the Time is properly configured

      Importing ‘Log Book’ Readings will now accept multiple Readings on the same day with or without a Time part to the Log Date. In the absence of a Time part, it generates the Time part by one second per row, from the latest Time for existing Readings on the day, if there are any

      Actions and Requests

      Fixed a problem when you create/use a Log Book Standard Action with no value in the 'Reading for Advanced Warning' field, causing a prompt to create a new Action when you enter the first Log Book ReadingKnowledge Base

      Moving, Copying and Adding an Organisation Unit is now handled consistently, with reuse of hierarchy gaps

      A proper message is now given if you try to create an RSM “Special Type” of Asset Type on an existing Asset Type that is not an RSM Road

      Fixed a problem with the Standard Action Form, Estimates and Costs Tab not refreshing correctly

3.0333.2 Build 20171031182245

In this version:

      General Fixes:

      Deleting an Item with the Hierarchy Editor was deleting ALL items of the same Hierarchy Code updating Assets that were using it

      Deleting an Item with the Hierarchy Editor was updating Assets that were using its parent

      Under certain circumstances, the Filter Builder Criteria work area was showing an OR instead of an AND

      Dragging a list field into the Filter Builder was giving an error

      Deleting a Contractor was giving an error

      The option to hide the ‘New > Request’ Task was also hiding the ‘New > Severity’ Task, when creating Standard Defects

      The “You have unsaved changes” message now always means what it says

      The Find Tool retains the last used Type, Field and recent values, as it did before

      The Permission Model for Asset Types was not using the “Least Restrictive” rule across multiple Groups


      Selecting the Asset Form, Documents tab was triggering an update of the EditDate and Editor fields of the Asset, when the Document records had not been previously given their “Sort order”

      Deleting an Asset Type was giving an exception, when its TypeID still existed in valuation transactions recorded before an Asset’s Type change

      A new Split of a valued Asset was not being given a Valuation Date

      Deleting an Asset that has the Same Inspection Record as another Asset no longer gives an error

      On a new Asset, the FunctionID, when empty, is now initializing correctly for Extensions

      Importing a Proposed Asset with a Date Created was not generating the Expiry Date

      Actions and Requests

      Creating an Action from a Request was creating a malformed Action and giving an error

      New Tasks were not being shown on the Action Form, Costs Tab until the Form was refreshed

      The Action Form, Costs Tab was missing the ‘Delete Task’ Task

      Merging of PDF files, when printing Issued Actions was unreliable

      The Action Form, Apply Standard Action function is now working for new Actions

      Knowledge Base

      All of the Standard Objects for Asset Types in the Explorer are now shown in Alphabetic order

      The Asset Type Form, ‘Defect Inspection Frequencies’ panel has been given a Vertical Scrollbar

      Documents on a Standard Action can now have their ‘Use in Work Order’ Tick Box set

      When creating or editing a Standard Action, setting the Unit of Measure or Urgency fields to “Empty” was giving a value of 0 instead of NULL

      Standard Action Form, Dimension to Multiply Rates By label has been corrected

      The Standard Defect Form now has the Attribute Set picklist to make Defect Attributes available

3.0333 Build 20170829151512

In this version:

      Trim Integration Upgrade to support HPRM.

      Expiry date can now be set once on Proposed Assets at creation, locked until they become Existing

      In Conquest Forms, the ordering of files in the Documents Tab has been made consistent across:





      The ‘Find Tool’ closes itself after a successful ‘Find’ of a single item

      A new System Option to give more flexibility in setting the Completion Date of a:

      Request that has many Actions

      Defect that has many Actions

      A new System Option for the Asset Explorer, so the “Hover Text” shows; AssetID, Family Code and Asset Description



      Sub-Windows no longer show the Silverlight menu, when right-clicked

      The web browser maximum URL length restriction of 2083 characters has been removed

      The Docking Windows ‘Save’ now saves the Dock Position, left and right but not floating

      The Asset Type Permissions Model has been improved


      Read Only Users can now create Views

      The User Accounts Form, Contractor List is now in alphanumeric sequence

      Report Filters are now visible to Administrators

      Copying Report Filters now works

      Hierarchy Editor: Up and Down changes are now saved

      In the Options Form, the Conquest Mobile Options are no longer available to normal Users

      View Manager now saves the 'Set Action View Fields'

      Forms that have a Tab for a list of Actions now show the list with columns as defined by the View Manager, ‘Set Global - Form List Fields’ function

      Extensions now write to the Log File, when the Logger is on


      The sort order of Documents on the Asset Forms now works

      The Rollback Transactions Form no longer shows transactions before a Posting record or a change of Asset Type record

      Using the ‘Post Transactions’ Tool with just the ‘Revaluation Adjustment to Value’ Option ticked now works

      Split Asset now loads the tab for the new Asset

      The Accumulated Depreciation on Asset Transactions after a Write-off or a Replacement is now correct

      Asset FamilyCode “gaps” are now reused in the Copy and Move Functions as well as from the Import Manager

      Deleting an unvalued Asset with an Inspection History now works

      Adding a Log Book Reading no longer fails if the ‘OtherReading’ value is less than the last primary Reading

      Impairment Journals now work correctly

      Moving an Asset with a large number of Child Assets now works

      Expiry Date calculator now works for Assets with $0 Value and $0 AccumCapitalWorks

      All columns for selection in a filter for Batch Depreciation now work


      Defect Severity pull-down now matches the order of the Standard Defect's Severities

      There is now an <Empty> Item available on the Std Defect Form, Default Standard Action List

      Due Date is now being recalculating on Copied Defects

      Using the ‘Create Action’ Task on a Defect in a list of Defects, where the Asset does not have an Asset Type, no longer gives an error

      Actions and Requests

      Relate Requests to an Action by using 'Find By Date' no longer gives an error

      Editing the Estimated Costs of Repeatable Actions now updates tblActionForecast.Amount

      Email Merge now returns Text rather than CodeID, when inserting Action Urgency

      Actions for Assets downloaded to CMTPC are no longer read only in Conquest

      The Request Form “Send Email” message is now being displayed properly

      All of the Action Form, Related Items tab, sub-tabs are correctly displayed

      Standard Actions that are related to a Standard Defect no longer allow their Action Type to be changed

      Both UserList10 and UserList30 can be used in an Action View

      When an Action is Copied or Moved to another Asset it now gets the TypeID of that Asset

      The columns exported from the Actions Tab of a Request are now correct

      Import Manager

      Asset update Imports no longer allow change of Asset Type without specifying the LastTranDate

      Asset Replacements import correctly now

      You can no longer import Actions to a non-existing Master Action

      Defect Imports now calculate Response Date

      Action Imports now return a Bad Batch, if both ActionID and EstQuantity are included

      Action Imports now fire the “Server Side” extensions for Actions, if they exist

      Action Imports cannot include both ActionID and AssetID

3.0332 Build 20170606100347


      The primary purpose of this release is to make changes to the Conquest database schema:

      To support Conquest Mobile, CMTPC version 4.0020

      To support Conquest.Live for customers using the Microsoft Azure portal to a managed instance of Conquest III

There are also some Performance and Stability Improvements:

      On a View of Actions, the Context Menu is now being refreshed, whenever the View changes

      A New System Option in the Assets section of the Options Form; a Checkbox to control the prefixing of the Asset Description to the Defect Descriptions, when created from a Standard Defect

      The Attribute Editor now displays the Order of User List Fields that have been set previously

      Documents created as a Link (URL) to a TRIM repository item now include the file suffix, so they can be opened directly

      Selecting Reports after a Conquest Upgrade no longer gives an error, when no Conquest III User Reports have been defined

      More improvements to improve stability, when many Actions are open at once

3.0331.4 Build 20170524180554

Performance and Stability Improvements to fix issues where:

      When changing an Asset’s 'Date Created' field in the Asset Form, the process of generating a new Expiry Date and Transactions has been made more robust

      Performing an Asset Replacement:

      When the method "Reuse Existing Asset" is used and the existing Asset Type is kept, the Measurement of the Asset is retained

      To a new Asset Type that uses ‘Annual Depreciation Charge’ but has no ‘Depreciation Rate’ set and the Asset also has no ‘Depreciation Rate’, the Replacement is not allowed

      To a new Asset Type that uses ‘Annual Depreciation Charge’ and has no ‘Depreciation Rate’ set but the Asset does have a ‘Depreciation Rate’, the Replacement is allowed, keeping the Asset’s existing ‘Depreciation Rate’

      The Column Headings Bar of the Action Form, Related Items Tab, has been switched back on

      The Defects Sub-Tab of the Action Form, Related Items Tab, has been switched back on

3.0331.3 Build 20170424113611

Performance and Stability Improvements to fix issues where:

      After a change of Asset Type, the old Asset Type was not displayed in the Asset Transactions

      The Key Parameter change Asset Transaction resulting from an Asset Type change was not being Posted

      The Asset Inspection Tab was timing out, while retrieving “Tagged Asset Inspections”

      The Action Form, Related Items Tab was slow to load

      From version 3.0330 a ‘User Report’ Query with an overly complex or unexpected structure, could cause Conquest III to hang or give an exception

      The Asset Form was taking too long to display the Asset Type description

      Reports were slow in displaying the Filters and Parameters panels

Security Improvement:

      The Asset Form downloads a Mini-Map from Google Maps, into the Location Tab, based on there being sufficient address details available, to do so. Because downloading the image to the client PC could be considered a security vulnerability, a new System Option ‘Fetch Google Map behaviour’ is provided to manage this feature with the following three options:



Don’t fetch

No Mini-Map

Fetch on client (Default)

Mini-Map content fetched from Google by the Conquest Client

Fetch on Server

Mini-Map content fetched from Google by the Conquest Server, when requested by the Client


3.0331.2 Build 20170330143116

Performance and Stability Improvements:

      Running a Report without a Report Filter, where the Report has a “@Filter” parameter in it, no longer gives an error

3.0331.1 Build 20170322114414

Performance and Stability Improvements:

      When creating New Actions from Standard Actions, if the relevant Standard Actions list is greater than the length of the page it is split into two or more sections, so that all items are visible

      Clicking on an Asset's Documents tab no longer modifies the Asset’s Editor and Edit Date values

      An improved message is given, when the System Objects need refreshing

      The Conquest Standard Reports have been given a “@Filter” parameter to optimally position the Report Filter clause in the Query

3.0331 Build 20170228131925

      The Conquest Work Planner enables an Assets Manager to visualise the schedule and assignment of Actions over a timeline and easily adjust them by “Drag and Drop”, resulting in improved service delivery.

      It requires:

      The client workstation to have limited internet access, specifically:

     https://*, or


      The Management Console to be used to install the Conquest API

      New System Options to be set for the API and the Work Planner

      Note: The Conquest Work Planner is a Conquest.Live Service, independent of the Conquest III release schedule

      The Map Tab is now available on the Asset Type Form and the Standard Defect Form

      The Import Manager now handles Updates to Defects

      The View Manager feature for configuring the fields displayed in “Conquest Data Object Form Tab” lists, is now fully functional and has been renamed to ‘Set Global - Form List Fields’

Performance, Security and Stability Improvements:

      The Asset Transaction Log is now available on Read Only Assets to Users with Read/Edit permissions on Asset Valuations

      Copying or Moving an Asset to a Read Only Asset has been allowed

      Finishing touches to the Standard Defect Form

      CMTPC Inspection program now excludes Disposed Assets

      Deleting Assets with Log Books now works

      Revaluing by Replacement Cost no longer sets the Asset to fully depreciated

      The Defect form inspection part now works to specification

      Users can no longer Read/Edit Assets from the Recently Viewed List, when they no longer have permission to the Facility

      Batch Valuation by Condition now optionally sets the Expiry date, even if it is null

      Batch Valuation no longer throws an error if the “Max Code” System Option has not been set

      The Batch Valuation Form no longer defaults to the ‘Replacement Cost’ Method; you now must pick a Method

      Disposal Actions can now have “Completion Actions” Reversed

      Splitting an Asset now applies Depreciation correctly

      Changing an Asset’s Type now puts the Depreciation on the right line in Transaction Log

      Changing StdActionID using the Import Manager now works to specification

      Columns and Data displayed in Asset - Defect tab list and Action - Related Items list is now correct

      Importing a new Asset now calculates the Expiry Date

      Actions with no Asset no longer allow the ‘Assign Standard Action’ Task

      The Tasks Window now has a slider bar

      Updating Assets using the Import Manager gives the correct message, when the AssetID is duplicated in the batch

      Importing Defects with a StdDefectID no longer creates two Defects

      Deleting Severity from a Standard Defect now works to specification

      Editing the Completion Date on a Request now works to specification

      The ‘Replace Asset’ no longer fails if the ‘Depreciation Method’ is "Annual Charge"

      The ‘Find Tool’ on Log Books no longer gives an Exception

      The 'Set Global View Fields' Task has been renamed to 'Set Global [Object] List Fields' and works to specification

      Deleting a Code from the “System List > Inspection Type” works correctly

      The 'Set Actions View Fields' no longer changes Object Form Lists

      ‘New Works’ Actions on Proposed Assets now work to specification

      Date Functionality on Repeatable Actions and the Associated Forecasting Functionality now works to specification

3.0330.2 Build 20170113091909

Performance and Stability Improvements

3.0330.1 Build 20161213172552

Performance and Stability Improvements

3.0330 Build 20161124172738

Functionality Enhancements

      Actions|topic=Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III Reference.docx

      The StdActionID column is now available in Views

      In the Action Form, Costs Tab - Tasks Pane Header, the ‘Costs’ heading has been changed to ‘Estimates and Costs’

      Selecting an Asset for Actions created from Requests, is now done with the 'Select Asset' Task

      Assets|topic=Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      Asset Retirement details are now shown on the Valuation Section of the Asset Form, Information Tab

      The Retire Asset Form has been improved

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      The Report Manager|topic=How To Use The Report Manager;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx has been improved

     Any Report can now be Deleted

     Conquest Standard and Conquest managed Customer Reports are now available to keep up to date with the ‘Manage Updates’ Task

      The entire suite of Standard Reports has been modernized:

     The “rptReportName” Reports have been removed. If you were still using them, the ‘Manage Updates’ Task will put the equivalent Conquest III Report in their place, in the right Category or Type and will keep their Filters

     Formatting has been improved and standardized

     Reports that were split into three; Function, Family and Type, for early versions of Conquest III, have been consolidated to a single parameterised Report. When the new version is installed, the three earlier Reports are removed and their Filters transferred to the new Report, which is placed in the top-most Category of the replaced Reports

     Reports with complex SQL in them can now have their Filters set

     The last used, pre-fill Report parameters are retained, per User, for subsequent reuse

     The Width Limit on the Filter Builder, Field-Criteria Separator Bar has been removed, so that the Bar can be dragged to the right to reveal the full column names

      Knowledge Base|topic=How To Manage The Knowledge Base;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx:

      Standard Actions are now included as a category in the Find Tool

      Conquest Mobile

      The Inspection Programs Form to support CMPTC is now available from Tools, to customers with a Conquest Mobile licence


      The Licence Details Form is available

      The Current Users Form is now available

Performance and Stability Improvements

      Actions|topic=Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III Reference.docx

      A User with Edit on Actions no longer needs to be assigned as a Contractor, to be able to Complete Actions

      Actions (ex-Standard), which have been moved to an Asset of a different Asset Type, no longer give an error on Completing

      When Completing an Action, selecting Actual or Estimated from the ‘Cost Type’ pick-list will fill the Cost Field, provided that Resource Assignments have been made

      Deleted Resources can no longer be selected on an Action

      Newly-created Resources can now be assigned to Action Tasks

      The Accessibility of Standard Actions in Menus and Lists is now uniformly consistent

      Creating an Action for a Request that has an ‘Action Response’ Standard Action no longer gives an error

      Editing the Start Date on a Repeatable Action with its cycle based on Start Date now correctly sets the due date and the Action Schedule

      Cyclic Action Views are no longer visible to non-Administrators

      When starting a new Cyclic Action, it is now possible to set the Organisation Unit

      When in Edit Mode on a Request Action that does not yet have an Asset, the Asset Selector no longer gives an error

      Assets|topic=Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      A number of adjustments have been made to Valued Asset Transactions:

     Change of Expiry Date transactions now have the correct Opening Date and Depreciation

     Changing the ‘Function’ of an Asset via Import now uses the correct Opening and Closing Dates, and in turn calculates Depreciation correctly

     Posting Transactions, no longer gives an Exception message

      The User's Description of a Batch in the Batch Depreciation and Batch Valuation tools, now saves correctly

      Batch Valuations using ‘Value By: Replacement Value’ are now handled correctly

      The Description of a copied Asset has the prefix “Copy of" reinstated

      Response Date is now being calculated and displayed correctly on new Defects

      The Asset Explorer Expander arrow head is now hidden on Assets, where all the child Assets have been ‘Disposed’, provided that the ‘Show Disposed Assets’ Options are not ticked

      The Asset Form Risk Tab now filters the drop-list of Std Risk Events per Asset Type

      The ‘Clear’ Function of the Hierarchy Picker for Organisation Unit now works correctly

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Newly created ‘Facilities’ are now shown in the Accounts and Permissions Form

      The Option, ‘Requests must be assigned to an Organisational Unit' is now handled correctly

      The Option, 'Show Completion Details Tab on Action' is now handled correctly

      The Checkbox, 'Show Disposed Assets' on the list of Child Assets is now shown correctly

      Import Manager|topic=How to Use the Import Manager;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      The Import Manager loads the list of Batches immediately

      Importing Logbook readings now generates Actions

      Knowledge Base|topic=How To Manage The Knowledge Base;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx:

      The Asset Type Form 'Special Type' pick-list now has 'RSM Road' included

      The assignment date given to a Business Unit assigned to a Request, which they were previously assigned to, is now correct

      Response Times on the Standard Inspection Form (Knowledge Base) are now being saved

      The Obsolete “Defect" Lists group no longer shows in the Code Editor

      A User with Edit on Actions can now Complete an Action without having to be set up as a Contractor

3.0329.2 Build 20160831035042

Performance and Stability Enhancements:


      On Completion of a Log Book Action, the ‘Next Action Due’ is now being calculated correctly

      The Log Book Reading Date is now formatting as DD/MM/YYYY


      The Action Form, Asset Picker has a problem and should not be used. Instead, the ‘Move Action’ Task can be used to select the Asset for a new Request Action and to move other Actions to other Assets

      A side effect of the work performed in delivering version 3.0329 and 3.329.1 is that, temporarily, the System Option ‘Allow Contractors to Complete Actions’ must be ticked for Users to be able to Complete Actions. This issue will be resolved in version 3.0330

3.0329.1 Build 20160531010339

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Assets|topic=Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      A problem in the Knowledge Base, caused when a Log Book|topic=Log Books;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx reading triggers the creation of a Service Action, has been fixed

      Log Book Readings now allow the addition of Dates and Readings that were previously missed

      When Importing Log Book Readings taken on the same day, they must have the Time part of the DateTime included

      Actions|topic=Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III Reference.docx

      A false error message, given when Completing a Service Action generated from a Log Book Reading has been corrected

      Defects|topic=Defects;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      Creating a new Defect, no longer gives a false error message


      The Action Form, Asset Picker has a problem and should not be used. Instead, the ‘Move Action’ Task can be used to select the Asset for a new Request Action and to move other Actions to other Assets

      A side effect of the work performed in delivering version 3.0329 and 3.329.1 is that, temporarily, the System Option ‘Allow Contractors to Complete Actions’ must be ticked for Users to be able to Complete Actions. This issue will be resolved in subsequent versions

3.0329 Build 5949.21155

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Assets|topic=Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      When changing an Asset’s Asset Type|topic=Asset Types;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx, the Asset now inherits all of the Asset Type settings

      Creating a new Asset with a Dimension value for the ‘Dimension to Value By’ set on the Asset Type now sets the Measurement to the same value

      ‘Split Asset’ now creates a Depreciation Transaction before the Split, if the System Option ‘Force depreciation before Action completion’ is ticked

      Assessed Residual Value is no longer being Calculated 'on the fly', instead the Residual Value from the Asset record is used

      A Purchase Action Completed on a Proposed Asset now correctly calculates the Assessed Residual Value

      Actions|topic=Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III Reference.docx

      Issue to Printer with multiple PDF Attachments are now appended to the Work Order. This requires the ‘Adobe PDF Reader’ plugin in Internet Explorer

      Succeeding Actions will now be related to a Request on their predecessor

      Repeatable Actions now always recur according to Duration value

      Import Manager|topic=How to Use the Import Manager;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx


     “Check Box” data values of (1,-1,True,Yes) and (0,False,No) are all accepted

     In all cases, errors in the Import data can be Output to CSV with an Error Message, whereas all valid data is accepted

      Assets|topic=Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

     For Asset transactions, if the transaction is not a Valuation then the existing ValueBy value is used. If the transaction is a Valuation and ValueBy is not provided, the current Username is used

     Asset Inspections no longer set the next Condition Inspection Date

     When Importing Journal Entries the transactions are now being created correctly

     ‘Split Asset’ Imports now create a Depreciation Transaction before the Split, if the System Option ‘Force depreciation before Action completion’ is ticked

      Actions|topic=Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III Reference.docx

     Multiple new Actions with the same Description are now accepted

     When Importing new Actions with User Fields, the inclusion of either StdActionID or ActionCategory will allow the User Fields to be validated against the Attribute Set. For existing Actions being updated, which already have an ActionCategory, the User Fields will be validated against its Attribute Set, if not, either of StdActionID or ActionCategory must be included in the CSV file to update the Action and allow the User Fields to be validated

     Updating an Action’s EstQuantity is now handled correctly

     Updating existing Actions using ReferenceID is now handled correctly

     Importing new Actions with Tasks and Resources will now acquire the Standard Rate for the Resources and calculate the values correctly


     Imported multiple Defects to the same Asset, “Groups” them into a single Inspection

      Log Books

     Multiple Readings on the same Log Book are now accepted

     When a Log Book has the Cumulative checkbox ticked, new Readings being imported must not be less than the most recent existing Reading. This rule applies in the Log Book Form too


      A side effect of the work performed in delivering version 3.0329 is that, temporarily, the System Option ‘Allow Contractors to Complete Actions’ must be ticked for Users to be able to Complete Actions. This issue will be resolved in subsequent versions

      Database Connection timeouts no longer give an exception error, instead they retry and give the option to retry again

      The identifier for Conquest III Client Sessions is now always unique

      The “Current User” value is retained for the full lifetime of any a function that uses it, so that the ‘Editor’, ‘Created By’, ‘Completed By’, values are always correct

      The "Clear" Function of the Hierarchy Picker Control for Org Unit, Function and Location Fields now refreshes the associated field

      Reference IDs generated for Requests and Actions are now always unique, regardless of whether Conquest III and II are being used together

      The ‘Adobe PDF Reader’ plugin for Internet Explorer must be installed and enabled, if multiple PDF Attachments are required on a Work Order, when using the ‘Issue to Printer’ option

3.0328 Build 5834.24370

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      General Fixes

      Repaired an error related to the provision of Application Storage for Silverlight

      Repaired an error that occurred when saving changes to ‘Show Error Details’ or ‘Number of Recently Viewed Items’ within the Options Form

      Using the ‘End of this Month’ delimiter in the Filter Builder no longer gives an error

      Solved an error that occurred when sorting the Log Books then Adding a Reading

      Resource Rates will now provide the correct Units of Measure for a given Resource Type

      Assets|topic=Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      Change of Expiry Date will now open the ‘Key Parameter Change’ dialog

      Repaired an error associated with Batch Depreciation

      Actions|topic=Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III Reference.docx

      Setting and changing the Asset for an Action no longer gives an error message

      The Action Completion Form will now allow Completion Date to be the same as Issue Date

      Incorrect Labels on the  Standard Cyclic Action Form have been changed or removed

      The Action data, locking levels, have been revisited to make sure they meet the design parameters for:




      Import Manager|topic=How to Use the Import Manager;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      The Import Manager will now accept the Action Type: ‘New Works’

      ReportsReports with definitions that begin with ‘rpt’ are now visible in the Report Manager as long as they have XML included in them and have been Categorised, or they have been assigned a Report Type

      The ‘Report Manager’ Function appears in the Recently Viewed Items, and once again has the ‘Add to Favourites’ Task available

      Reports Navigator Control no longer shows the ‘Expander’ widget when it shouldn’t

3.0327 Build 5781.20390

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

Assets|topic=Assets;document=Documents\Conquest 3 User Guide.docx:

      Completing a Purchase Action on a Proposed Asset no longer gives a false Error

      The ‘New Document’ Functionality for Folder Management by Administrators now allows the correct placement and renaming of folders in the Document Directory

Knowledge Base|topic=How To Manage The Knowledge Base;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx:

      When Applying a Standard Action to an existing Action, Action Description is treated as per the setting of the Actions Option; "When applying Standard Actions, existing entries in Actions take precedence":

      When False, the Standard Action Description over-writes the Action Description

      When True, the Standard Action Description is included in the list of fields that can be selected to over-write the corresponding Action fields


      Conquest II Reports are no longer listed in the Conquest III Report Manager

      The Report Manager, ‘Delete Report’ Task no longer gives a “Refresh” error, when deleting Object Reports

3.0326 Build 5750.27075

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Assets|topic=Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx:

      The Asset Form, Expiry date is now calculated, displayed and saved correctly

      Knowledge Base|topic=How To Manage The Knowledge Base;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx:

      Changes made to Attribute Sets|topic=Attribute Sets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now propagate immediately to all Conquest III sessions

      Requests|topic=Requests;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx:

      The Requests Option 'Number of characters of a Request used in Action Description' can now be set to Zero (0)

      The Action Response|topic=Request Form - Details Tab;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx on a Request no longer creates two New Actions on the Request; just one

      Actions|topic=Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III Reference.docx:

      The Tab Key order of the Action Form - Estimates and Costs Tab is now logically sequenced

      Import Manager|topic=How to Use the Import Manager;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx Improvements:

      Importing Asset Valuation Data|topic=Updating Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now conforms to Conquest II Business Rules

      Business Rules are now in place to disallow changes to:

     Disposed Assets

     Completed Actions

      Asset Financial Data has the Measurement calculated correctly

      Asset Expiry Data now imports correctly

      Asset Inspections|topic=Importing Inspections;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now set the Organisation, InspectionType and InspectionNotes, when they are present in the Import file

      Financial Utilities|topic=How To Manage Financial Data;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx:

      The Batch Rollback Form lists the Batch Order from Newest to Oldest

      The Closing date on the Post Transaction Form has been made inclusive

3.0325 Build 5697.19799

Functionality, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Assets|topic=Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx:

      The Asset Form, Inspections Tab|topic=How To Perform an Inspection;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now shows multiple Defects per Defect Inspection

      The Asset Form, Copy Down Task|topic=Copy Down;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now works correctly, including the Location and Function fields

      On creating a new Asset in the Asset Form|topic=How To Add an Asset;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx and saving it, the “New>Action” Task is immediately available

      Conquest III has been synchronised with the Asset Transaction|topic=Individual Asset Valuation Functions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx changes introduced in Conquest II V2.59a4 as follows:

     The Asset Form allows setting of the Transaction Date, when changing the Function of a Valuation Asset

     The Import Manager allows setting of the LastTranDate in an Assets Update of Asset Function, when LastTranDate is included in the Import file

      When Importing new Valuation Assets|topic=Importing Assets;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx the 'Valuation Asset' and 'Depreciate' Column Values will be set to ‘True’ unless included in the Import file

      From the Asset Form, creating and Completing a Purchase|topic=Purchase and New Works Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx or Disposal Action|topic=Disposal and Partial Disposal Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx refreshes the Asset Form’s state

      Knowledge Base|topic=How To Manage The Knowledge Base;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx:

      Creating the Asset Type Hierarchy from scratch is now possible via the New Asset Type Task of the Asset Type Explorer|topic=Asset Type Explorer;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      The Replacement Cost History part of the Asset Type Form has been included

      Copying an Attribute Set no longer gives an error


      Actions created from Standard Actions take its Default Organisation Unit, which on subsequent reassignment, now goes into the Assignment History

      Completing a Repeatable Action|topic=How To Use Repeatable Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx no longer copies "Actual Hours" and "Response Date" to the Succeeding Action

      The locked state of Actions at Request Approval, Issue and Completion|topic=How To Complete An Action;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx is now fully implemented

      The first Repeatable Sub-Action Completed on a Non-Repeating Master Action, opens the new Master Action form and provides the ‘Copy User Fields’ and ‘Copy Document Links to Succeeding Action’ checkboxes for the new Master

      The 'Type here to filter' text box of the 'New Document' Dialog Form, now has a Magnifying Glass Icon to help identify it

      The selection of List Items from the Query Builder List|topic=How To Use Queries;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for output to XLSX and CSV files has been consolidated

      The Import Manager|topic=How To Manage Bulk Data;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now accepts Object ID data, even when it includes a comma (derived from Excel), by removing the comma

      The ‘Log in as an Administrator|topic=The Conquest Menu;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx’ function has been made more stable

      The Email Merge Editor Form is now available

      The Deterioration Curves Form is now available

3.0324 Build 5639.33377

A Patch release to any of versions 3.0320, 3.0321, 3.0322 or 3.0323

Performance and Stability Enhancements:


      Journal Transactions|topic=The Transaction Log;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx are now saving Capital Works and Depreciation values correctly


      The IntraMaps Task|topic=How To Use IntraMaps Integration;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx on the Asset Form now works correctly

3.0323 Build 5619.21769

Patch release to version 3.0320, 3.0321 or 3.0322.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Extensions|topic=How To Use Conquest Extensions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx that interacted with the Conquest III Tasks Window|topic=Tasks Window;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx were causing the Tasks to be hidden. This has been corrected.

3.0322 Build 5599.26266

Patch release to version 3.0320 or 3.0321.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      The Import Manager|topic=Bulk Imports and Updates;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx tool now acquires the CSV file without an error

      The Financial Utilities|topic=How To Manage Financial Data;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx tool is now available for Users with “Edit Asset Valuations” permission as well as for Administrators

      Knowledge Base

      Setting the Action Category in the Standard Action Form now works without an error

3.0321 Build 5589.27613

Patch release to version 3.0320.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      The View Manager|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=Navigate With Views 'Set View Fields' Task now saves correctly

      The Log in as an Administrator and Log in as a Non-Administrator|topic=The Conquest Menu;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx functions now auto-connect with the Connection that was being used

      The Import Manager|topic=Bulk Imports and Updates;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now allows changes to the Non-Valuation data of Valuation Assets, regardless of whether Asset Valuation Data is correctly configured

      The Import Manager now accepts a column heading of ActionEstQuantity for EstQuantity, as per Conquest II

      The Recalculate Condition Tool|topic=How To Recalculate Asset Conditions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now calculates Condition Point correctly

      Export to CSV no longer puts numeric values inside double-quotes


      Actions on Non-Valuation Assets no longer show the New Works checkbox

      The ‘Apply Standard Action’ function now conforms with the option under Actions|topic=Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III Reference.docx, which allows existing Action data to be retained

      Action Notes in the Completion Notes section of the Request Form, now display with proper Word Wrapping

      All the Tabs of the Action Form|topic=Action Form;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx are available for use, when creating a new Action|topic=How To Create an Action;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      Creating a New Action|topic=How To Create an Action;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx on a Defect now works correctly

      Deleting a Defect now works correctly

      When Completing a Repeatable Action, the completion notes are no longer copied to the new Action

      For a Repeatable Action, the ‘Next Due Date’ on the Action Completion Form|topic=How To Complete An Action;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx is now the same as ‘Date of Next Action’ on the Action Form


      Changing an Asset's type to another Asset Type with a different standard life no longer gives an error

      Value fields of Asset Transactions in the Journal form now show just 2 decimal places

      The Assets Form no longer gives an error after saving a new Asset

      The 'Retire Asset' Dialog Form now handles the Retirement Date correctly

      Knowledge Base

      Icon Files in standard data objects can now be cleared with the "Clear File" button

      Creating a New Standard Action|topic=How To Set Up Standard Actions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now works correctly

3.0320 Build 5442.28898

This is the first Conquest 3 release to include all of the Administrative functionality for the Asset Management Knowledge Base|topic=Knowledge Base;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx. Software and Database Management tools, as they were known in Conquest II, are no longer required. Please contact Conquest Support, if further details are needed.

This release does not cover Conquest Map and CMTPC, which will continue to require at least one Conquest II workstation to be available to support them.


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 match Conquest II V2.59a3. If your Conquest II version is earlier than 2.59a1, a Custom install of Conquest II V2.59a3 must be performed on at least one workstation, to obtain the SQL scripts required to update the database to version 2.59. After the database update, the Conquest II “Refresh System Objects” function must be performed before Conquest 3 is installed.

Functionality, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      ID columns (AssetID, ActionID…) in View Lists|topic=How To Use a Standard List;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx no longer have embedded commas

      The ‘Post Transactions|topic=Post Transactions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx’ Financial Utility Tool

      ‘Administration’ option in the Configuration Navigator; now the parent group for:

     Accounts and Permissions. See How To Manage Conquest Users|topic=How To Manage Conquest Users;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details.

     Change Administrator Password. See The Conquest Menu|topic=The Conquest Menu;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details.

      Import Manager – Importing Risk Events|topic=Importing Risk Events;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      ‘System Tools’ option in Tools Navigator, including:

     Recalculate Risk Scores. See How To Recalculate Risk Scores|topic=How To Recalculate Risk Scores;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details.

      Action Form

      Negative quantities and values are now permitted in the Costs Tab

      The Knowledge Base

      Asset Type Explorer (formerly the Knowledge Base Explorer). See How To Use The Asset Type Explorer|topic=Asset Type Explorer;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details.

      This is very similar in appearance to the Asset Explorer but enables access to Standard Defects, Actions, Risk Events and Inspections from within the Hierarchy

      Editors Group for the Reference Data Editors

     Action Categories



     Consequences of Failure






     Resource Library

      Standard Object Forms - Accessible from the Asset Type Form, New… Task, or from the Asset Type Explorer by Right-clicking and selecting, New… Option)

      Asset Type

      Standard Action

      Standard Defect

      Standard Inspection

      Standard Risk Event

3.0312 Build 5505.24804

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Data Object IDs e.g. ActionID which were being displayed and exported to CSV with embedded commas, are now displayed and output as Integer values

3.0311 Build 5499.30945

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Action Form

      Fixed a problem, where “Issuing Work Order by e-mail” was failing on some Windows 8.1 workstations configured with Outlook. See How To Issue Work Orders|topic=How To Issue Work Orders;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details

3.0310 Build 5449.24128

Functionality, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      The Right-click, Pop Menu for Tasks|topic=Tasks Window;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx is now available on the following data items in the Favourites List|topic=The Favourites List;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx and Recently Viewed List|topic=The Recently Viewed List;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx on the Conquest Home page:





      The Financial Utilities|topic=How To Manage Financial Data;document=Documents\Conquest II How To.docx are now available in the Tools Navigator

      The System Tool “Recalculate Asset Conditions. See Recalculate Asset Conditions|topic=Recalculate Asset Conditions;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      Import Manager file handling has been revised. For details see Bulk Imports and Updates|topic=How to Use the Import Manager;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      More Import Manager Data Modules:

      Requests|topic=Importing Requests;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      Asset Inspections|topic=Importing Inspections;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      Log Books|topic=Importing Log Book Readings;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      The Find Tool|topic=How To Use The Find Tool;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now includes the capability to search for Log Books

      The Hierarchy Selector Forms|topic=Hierarchy Selectors;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx now handle double-click selection

      The New Document|topic=How To Manage Document Attachments;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx functionality:

     Allows Administrators to create or rename sub folders under the Document Directory. See How To Manage the Document Directory|topic=How To Manage the Document Directory;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details

     Fully implements the reuse of previously uploaded documents. See How To Manage Document Attachments|topic=How To Manage Document Attachments;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details

      The Report Parameters panel has been moved above the Filters Panel, so that it doesn’t drop off the bottom of the page, when there are many Filters

      Action Form

      Exporting to Excel no longer puts placeholders in column name headings

      The Issue Work Order function is improved, with the ability to select one of three System Options:

     Auto-load the Default template

     Auto-load if only one template

     Load when selected

3.0301 Build 5382.20903

Functionality, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Log in as Administrator|topic=The Conquest Menu;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      Log in as a Non-Administrator

      Change Administrator Password|topic=The Conquest Menu;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      The ‘Edit View’ Window tab displays a “Funnel” icon to distinguish it from the ‘Run View’ Window tab. See How To Use The View Manager|topic=Navigate With Views;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details

      The Codes Editor has been optimized to load large Code Sets faster

      When assigning a Code List to a User List field in the Attribute Editor, the available Code Lists are now displayed in Alphabetic order

      Conquest Document attachments, set as a URL to a YouTube video, now display the video from the Conquest Web Browser

      Asset Form

      The Split Asset Function|topic=Split Asset Function;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx has been optimized to work faster

      Action Form

      The Issue Work Order function is improved, to wait for the selection of a Work Order template instead of auto-loading the first in the list

3.0300 Build 5316.22450

Functionality, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Bulk Data Functionality for Assets. See How To Manage Bulk Data|topic=How To Manage Bulk Data;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details

      Bulk Data Functionality for Defects. See How To Manage Bulk Data|topic=How To Manage Bulk Data;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx for details

      The Quick Find tool now allows searching on fields of tables closely related to the Primary Object tables

      Deleting an Hierarchy no longer gives an error if there is an Inspection Frequency for the hierarchy

      Performance improvements for Server to Client communications|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=Defects

      Defect Form

      A new convention is implemented for the Defect description, when created from a Standard Defect, [Asset Description] – [Standard Defect Description] up to 254 characters before truncation takes place

      Action Form

      Fixed a problem stopping Actions from being issued after using the Request Approval task

      Alignment with changes implemented in Conquest II V2.59a5|topic=2.59a1

      New Depreciation Calculation method. See Batch Valuation|topic=Batch Valuation;document=Documents\Conquest II Reference.docx for details

      New Rollback options for Asset Valuation transactions

      New columns; Editor and Edit Date on the primary Conquest Data Objects set, whenever changes are made

      Severity score on Standard Defects

      New field on Asset Type to hold Renewal Rate

      The Inspection Notes field is now virtually unlimited in size

      The Retirement function on a non-Valuation Asset now records the Retirement Date and a reason note

      The Action form now has a Rehabilitation checkbox

3.0232 Build 5304.20324

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      For customers using version 3.0231 to fix unnecessary user credentials prompts in version 3.0230

      Version 3.0231 did not build correctly, so is replaced with 3.0232

3.0231 Build 5287.31296

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      For customers using version 3.0230, who have experienced unnecessary prompts for user credentials:

      On some Web Servers the way Conquest III was interacting with IIS, caused unnecessary credential prompts. We have revised the program code that caused IIS to fail the credentials. No changes were made to the business and presentation layers, so the results of User Acceptance Testing on version 3.0230 are still valid.

3.0230 Build 5256.27051

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      A new Report configuration is now loaded as it is selected

      Using the Report Prefill check box no longer gives an error, when the Report has a long name

      When Creating an Action From a List of Defects, an Asset can now be selected for the Action

      The Import Manager for Actions now validates the Status field data

      Search functionality in the Trim Integration has been extended

      Favourites are no longer affected by the ‘Number of Recently Viewed’ setting in the Options Form, Personal Preferences, so they no longer go missing

      Conquest III Exception files are now saved to their own folder e.g. C:\inetpub\Conquest\CQ30230\App_Data\Exceptions instead of in the Conquest Documents path

      In the Code Editor, when any Condition list item, points value is changed, the Asset Condition scores are recalculated at Save time in the Code Editor, which is locked from further use until all affected Assets are updated

      The ArqID column is now available in the Request Email Merge Editor

      The ‘Hide New Request’ System Option now works correctly. When it is ticked, new Requests cannot be created from within the Conquest III user interface

      In Defect View lists the DefectID column now sorts numerically

      Some new Forms are now available in the Knowledge Base section of the Navigation Window

      User Accounts

      Action Categories


      Update Estimating Rates

      Asset Form|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=Assets

      The Risk Tab is now available

      A non-Valuation asset with no inspections can now be deleted

      For an Asset Inspection all of the mandatory fields must be entered before a Save can take place

      When unsetting the Valuation Status of an Asset that doesn't have Transactions, the Write-Off dialog is no longer shown

      Action Form|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=Actions

      The Action Object Report now works

      When editing an Action and entering the relevant details, including changing or setting the Organisation Unit, and then clicking the ‘Issue Work order by email’ task, the usual popup dialogue ‘The organisation unit has changed. Do you wish to email the recipient?’ is suppressed

      Completing a Non Repeating Master Action, which is composed of Repeating Sub-Action now functions correctly

      When a Repeatable Action is Completed the Actual Cost and Completion Notes values are no longer copied to the Succeeding Action

      The ‘Request Approval’ task is available for Master Actions and, when used, applies to all of its Sub Actions. ‘Request Approval’ is not an available task from Sub-Actions

      Defect Form|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=Defects

      The Delete task is now available

      Request Form

      The “Disable ‘Insert Action’ menu” Option is now effective in the Request Form

3.0224 Build 5206.24753

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      The New Document file browser now detects if the selected file is already in the "Document Directory" or sub-folder and reuses the existing file, not duplicating it

      For a new document the New Document Form now detects if the "Document Directory" has sub-folders and opens a file browser to select the destination folder

      SMTP Email has been enhanced to include CC to Sender

      User Text field labels are now shown on the Organisation and Location Editor forms

      The Tasks in the Code Editor are now clearly labelled e.g. Delete Code, Delete Code Set, to lessen the chance of error


      An Existing Defect can now have a Standard Defect applied to

      Multiple Defects can now be related to an action in one go


      The Action Form now always notifies of unsaved changes made in all tabs

      Completed Actions can now have Documents attached, post Completion

      Import Manager - Action Completion CSV can now also include Estimated Quantity

      Import Manager - Action functionality now includes Cost details


      The Dimension for the new part of a Split Asset is now recorded correctly in the Asset transactions

      Rollback of a depreciation transaction from the Asset Form no longer rolls back the associated batch

      The Field used to display a criterion's text in Conquest II is now updated, when the criterion is changed in the Conquest III View Editor

      Defects that are a recorded from an Asset Inspection are now shown as Defect Inspections

      Overall condition is no longer automatically recalculated, when the Asset Form is opened

      The Inspection Tab details remain empty until an Inspection is made

      The Show Disposed Assets option is now available on the Asset Form - Child Assets Tab

      Double-clicking on the Parent Asset in the Parent Asset tab of the Asset Form now opens it

      An Asset with solely “Tagged” Defect inspections can now be deleted

3.0223 Build 5178.26608

Performance Enhancement:

      Significant improvements to the way in which Connections are made and maintained

      There is no change to Asset Management functionality in this release. Therefore, acceptance testing for version 3.0222 does not have to be repeated

3.0222 Build 5165.24690

Functionality, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Items in a list no longer appear to be editable

      The Reports prefill function no longer causes the Report’s Date format to change

      A problem with Extensions Inserting spaces at the ends of values has been fixed

      When an email is sent from an Action, by a User Account without an e-mail “From” address, a proper message is given

      When Exporting Actions to Excel, Note fields with embedded linefeed characters no longer generate too many rows

      Knowledge Base Editor Forms:

     Code Editor

     Attribute Editor

     Organisation Editor

     Function Editor

     Location Editor

     Hierarchy Editor


      The Drop List of available Contractors in the Action form, now displays correctly. This was stated in 3.0221 but was not quite right

      Changes to the Quantity field in the Costs tab now save correctly


      The Asset List Tab is now much faster to display lists of ancestor and child Assets

      The description of a Copied Asset is now prefixed with “Copy of ”

3.0221 Build 5142.24340


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1 or 2, to be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too must be run and the “Refresh System Objects” function performed, before Conquest 3 is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Report Filters are now displayed in alphabetic, Filter Name order and with Filter icons; System (red) and User (blue)

      In Lists of Actions, the “Show Completed Actions” checkbox now correctly overrides the permanent option set in the “Personal Preference” section of the Options Form. The override lasts for the current Conquest III session

      When changing a List Item by selecting the "Empty" item in a Drop List selector, the changed data is now compatible with Conquest II


      A selected Contractor can now be cleared from an Action

      The Drop List of available Contractors in the Action form, now displays correctly

      The Standard Action list for a non-administrator User now displays the Standard Actions correctly

      When Copying a Repeatable Action, the Costs are now included and the Schedule Estimations are calculated correctly

      Copied Actions are now prefixed with “Copy of ” as per Conquest II

      When Assigning a Standard Action to a Master Action, the List now displays Master Standard Actions only

      The Select Master Action Function now forces all edits to be saved, when the Master Action is applied

      The “Related Items” tab on Master Actions is now formatted with vertical tabs for each type of Related Item, dramatically improving its load time

      Completing a Repeatable Master Action with a large number of sub actions is now faster and more reliable. However, if the number of Sub-Actions is more than 100, for example, and the Forward Planning|document=Documents\Conquest II How To.docx;topic=How Forward Planning Works date is set, then a large transaction will be generated. For this to work, the network components for Conquest III must able to process the transaction as well as normal transactions before network level timeout events take place. There are Conquest III Prerequisites|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=Prerequisites described in the Conquest III Installation Guide

      Planned Start Date is now always used to calculate the date of the next Action for a Limited Schedule

      Fixed a problem with Issuing an Action using Microsoft Outlook for the e-mail client


      The Method of Calculating Overall Condition Based on Condition Distribution (Severity and Extent) is included in this release. For details see Asset Condition|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=Asset Condition

      The Asset “Condition History” List is now sorted correctly

      The Asset Form “Asset Priority Selector” form now displays priorities in the correct order

      Defect Inspections are now displayed correctly on the Inspection Tab of the Asset Form

3.0220 Build 5102.27146


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1 or 2, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest 3 is installed.

Functional Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Forward Planning Date functionality is now implemented as per Conquest II

      When using a List and the Column Filter function, the Number of Rows is qualified with the Filtered Rows. See How To Filter a List|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Filter a List for details

      Add to Favourites Task is now available to List items from the Task Window

      The “Conquest Desktop Extender” is a Windows Installer MSI, to install an “Elevated Permissions” certificate on PCs, where Microsoft Outlook is the preferred desktop E-mail for Conquest III. See How To Set Up E-mail|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Set Up E-mail for details. Elevated Permissions means that Conquest III can execute other software on client PCs, where the Desktop Extender has been installed. It does not give Users any privilege changes at all. See Set Up the Conquest Desktop Extender|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=Set Up the Conquest Desktop Extender for details

      Server Based E-mail is no longer set up in IIS, instead it is managed from the Options Form, System Options, Email section. See How To Set Up E-mail|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Set Up E-mail for details. This change preserves the settings even after a complete reinstall of Conquest III

      A further new System Option has been introduced; "Allow Outlook E-mail, when available". When this Option is True, Conquest III will prefer to use Outlook for E-mails provided that the following products are installed on the PC:

      The  Conquest Desktop Extender

      Microsoft Outlook 2010 or later

      If these products are not installed then Conquest III will fall back to use Server Based E-mail. See How To Set Up E-mail|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Set Up E-mail for details.

      Integration with Dekho is implemented in this release. See How To Set Up Dekho Integration|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Set Up Dekho Integration for details.


      A new Personal Preference Option “Prefix Action Form Header Description with the Reference ID” to add the Action Reference ID to the Action Description in the Action Form Header

      The display order of Action Diary Notes can be switched from ascending date to descending date sequence by clicking a new, Arrowhead icon above the list of Notes

Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      The Asset Hierarchy has been tuned so that expanding an Asset Node displays the child Assets much more quickly

      All Customer specific installation settings, including those from IIS SMTP, are now retained and will persist across reinstalls

      Right-Clicking on the wrong Navigation Window Item can now be cancelled with another Right-Click in a different spot

      The Copy and Move Tasks for List Items have been made clearer e.g. Copy Sub-Action, Move Child Asset

      Selecting a Report with no RDL data developed for it yet, no longer gives an error

      Selecting “Prefill” for a Report with no parameters no longer gives an error

      A further prerequisite for Conquest III Reports on Reporting Services is for all Reports to be based on the 2010 Schema

      Conquest generated E-mails no longer show the Sender


      While an Action is in Edit mode, the Complete Task cannot be used

      When a Document is added in URL format, it now keeps the mixture of Case as entered e.g. “/MixEd/UP/Case/”


      Asset Form Assets Tab now lists Child Assets using all of the available space instead of leaving a gap at the bottom

      The Replace Asset Function on an Existing Asset with a Standard Residual Value now resets the Residual correctly

      The Permissions on an Asset Type now correctly overrides the standard User/Group permission model, when creating a new Asset or changing an Existing Asset’s Asset Type

3.0217 Build 5063.17338


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest 3 is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Reports that are specifically for Conquest II are no longer visible in Conquest III

      A Report Parameters Pre-fill function|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Pre-fill Report Parameters is now available for use to improve the performance of SQL Server Reporting Services reports on large data sets

      The Find Form|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Use The Find Form, Tab Label now shows "Find Type", "Search Field" and "Find What" for easier recognition, when multiple Find Forms are open

      Iron Python Extensions for Hiding Tasks now apply to the Task in Right-click Tasks Pop-out Menu as well as in the Tasks Window

      Non-administrator users can now create their own Views

      Integration with the Trim - Document Management System now includes search functionality on the “Registered Date” and “Record No” fields


      The Master Action Task “Manage Sub Actions” form now expands and contracts its internal lists properly, when the form is re-sized

      The Filter in the "Manage Sub Actions" Form no longer includes Master Actions

      Completing a Master Action, when all of its Sub-Actions are Completed no longer gives an error message

      When creating an Action manually on a Defect, the Response Date is now set to the type of date selected in the “Actions and Requests Section” Option, “Response Date For Actions Created From Defects Is Set As”


      A User with Edit Permission on Assets but without Valuation permission can no longer Change a Valuation Asset's Type

      A User with Edit Permission on Assets and Valuation can no longer change a Valuation Asset's Type to a non-valuation type directly, they must first un-tick the “Valuation Asset” checkbox and save, which will generate a Write-off transaction and make the Asset non-valued

3.0216 Build 5030.25991


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest 3 is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      The View Fields set by an Administrator for a System View can no longer be changed by an ordinary User

      The Conquest Home Page drop-list Widget Icon behaves correctly now. See The Conquest Home Page|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=The Conquest Home Page


      The Action Form, Relate Defect Task now provides a full list of the available Defects

      The Manage Sub Action form, using a large filter has been made significantly faster


      Defect History is implemented as per Conquest II

      The Move Defect task now immediately refreshes the Defect form Asset Description


      The Asset form Residual value can now be entered, when “Manually Set” is set to true

      A new Proposed Asset that is a Valuation Child, automatically now has the Valuation Child Checkbox ticked and allows Dimensions to be entered

      Values and Transactions from a Purchase Action on Valuation Child are now correctly assigned to the Valuation Parent

      The Valuation Transactions for a New Works Action now carry the ActionID in all cases

3.0215 Build 5018.24753


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest 3 is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

To fix a build problem.

3.0214 Build 5010.24108


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest 3 is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:


      Active Directory authentication has been streamlined to overcome authentication issues experienced by some customers

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      The Import Manager for Actions now handles spaces before and after column names and data fields in .TXT files

      The Find Form now conforms to True and False selection for Checkbox fields


      The Manage Sub-Actions task now has an Icon

      The Manage Sub-Actions form now forces the Master Action to refresh the Related Items List, on newly created Master Actions


      The “New Asset” Dialog form has been rewritten to include an Asset Type Picker sub-form, which is a general improvement and particularly good, when creating Proposed Assets

      A Partial Disposal on a fully Depreciated Asset now records the Valuation Transaction correctly

      Transactions and Values for partial Disposal of an Asset now work and display correctly

3.0213 Build 4972.28330


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest 3 is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      When a View is copied the View Fields of the Source View are now copied to the New View

      User Field labels in Views and Queries can now include punctuation marks


      The Work Order Report is now correctly permissioned for administrators

      It is now possible to Copy an Action to the Asset it is currently on

      The Assign Standard Action dialog form now manages the message Font Size correctly


      The Asset Transactions List now includes the “Asset Type” and “Function” Columns

      Number Fields are now standardised to a normal length

      The Measurement field is now editable on Assets, including Proposed Assets, where the Asset Type does not specify a Dimension to Value By


      A Selected Action Response on a Request can now be cleared

3.0212 Build 4954.32309


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest 3 is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      System Fields that have been given a name in the Options form, now show the name, when selecting in the Find tool

      In the Find tool, searching on Action Start Date no longer fails, when using “dd/mm/yyyy” format

      Editing a View then Closing without Saving and Selecting "Yes" now functions correctly

      The default Application Path for the Conquest III Installer is now “C:\InetPub\Conquest\ConquestIII\”


      The Silverlight menu no longer shows, when right-clicking in the Resources drop down list for Resource Assignment in the Costs Tab

      Completing a Repeatable Master Action no longer gives an error

      The Related Items List of a Master Action now extends to the bottom of the screen

      Edits on the Diary Note Date and Time Fields and User field now work


      Standard Disposal and New Works Actions are no longer available for Non-Valuation Assets

      Asset Inspections can no longer be saved, when required fields have not been entered

      The Business Rule for new sub-Assets of Valued Assets is now properly implemented

3.0211 Build 4941.32679


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest 3 is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      User Views can now filter and display a Defect’s SeverityID


      Action Costs, Tasks and Resources Delete task is now labeled in context with the item being deleted

      Approval Date is now displayed in the same format as the other dates on the Action form


      Valuation checkboxes are now available, when assigning an Asset Type for the first time after the Asset is saved

      When replacing an Asset, the new Expiry Date is now recorded in transactions

      Valuation Settings can now be changed in the same Edit as an Asset Type change

      The Copy Down Dialog now works correctly


      A selected Severity on the Defect form is now saved

Functional Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports and Dialogs:

      Import Manager

      New functionality for Importing and Updating Actions. Other Data Objects will follow.|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Manage Bulk Data

3.0210 Build 4925.25854


The changes made in this release of Conquest 3 require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest 3 is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Items on the Conquest Home Page lists can now be click-drag-dropped between “Favourites” and “Recently Viewed” and vice versa. Pin and Un-pin are still available

      Improved wording in messages

      Phantom Menus state has been fixed

      Document names now support parentheses

      The Options form now always shows the Save task the moment a field is changed

      When an Action or Defect, shown in any list, is edited and has a change of Completion state, the List that it came from, refreshes its contents, including icons, when the Action or Defect is saved

      The Find Tool now provides the Label given to Asset System User fields rather than the column name

      The Query Editor has been tuned so that the response to Table/Field/Criteria selection is faster

      Lists output to Excel using the Export “Object” task, now use Excel date format not UTC

      The Copy and Move Hierarchy Selector forms have had their titles changed to "Copy Object To", "Move Object To", where Object is “Asset” or “Action” etc

      The Copy Hierarchy Selector form now always expands to select the Parent Asset of the Asset, Action or Defect being copied, as the starting point

      Moving an Asset or Assets is now much faster

      The Delete Document dialog form no longer allows deletion of the file from the File Server to prevent the possibility of errors with CMTPC sketches shared between Defects and Actions


      Action Costs, Tasks and Resources Delete task is now labeled in context with the item being deleted

      When an Action is created, including a Master Action, the Action form now stays in Edit mode

      Repeatable Actions now have checkboxes in the Action Dates tab to allow copying of User Field values and Document links to the Succeeding Action on Completion

      In Read Only mode the date fields are now shown in the client PC Locale, Long format

      In Read Only mode the Asset Description no longer has a little image button to open the Asset form. Asset Description now behaves as a Link (blue text) provided that the user has access to Assets but black text and inactive if they don’t. When active, it can still be copied by Right-clicking on it and selecting the “Copy Text” option

      When Relating an Action to a Request and the Request(s) has been listed in the Relate Request form, the OK button is not active until a Request item is selected

      Issue Date is now formatted correctly


      In Read Only mode the date fields are now shown in the client PC Locale, Long format

      Unit of Measure now shows on Dimension fields

      Asset Inspections (Standard) now allow the creation of a Defect on the Inspection


      In Read Only mode the date fields are now shown in the client PC Locale, Long format


      The Request form now stays in Edit mode after an Action Response is created for it

Functional Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports and Dialogs:

      In the View Manager

      Views can now be defined at three levels. Individual User, Permission Group and System wide.

      View Fields can now be set at three levels. Individual View, View Category and Globally for non-View Lists by Categories

      The Options form now has all of the Conquest Options except for “Forward Planning Date”, which is still done from Conquest II

      The Hierarchy Picker forms have been revised to allow flexible searching by; part of the description, the exact ID or part of the Hierarchy Code.

      All of the major Expander Bar panels in the Navigation window can now be popped out as forms and can be saved into the Conquest Home page, Favourites list

      The “Copy Asset To”, Hierarchy Selector form now has a “Copies” field, which can be incremented to create many new Assets based on a single Asset


      Asset Inspections (Standard) go onto the Recently Viewed list

3.0202 Build 4857.19635


The changes made in Conquest III, come with a database change that is significant for Conquest II. Therefore, Conquest II V2.58a4 must be installed before this release of Conquest III |document=Documents\Conquest II Installation Guide.docx;topic=Installation.

Performance and Stability Enhancements including compatibility with Lotus Notes document attachments.

3.0201 Build 4828.29492


The changes made in Conquest III, come with a database change that is significant for Conquest II. Therefore, Conquest II V2.58a4 must be installed before this release of Conquest III.

Performance and Stability Enhancements

3.0200 Build 4804.26980


The changes made in Conquest III, come with a database change that is significant for Conquest II. Therefore, Conquest II V2.58a1 must be installed before this release of Conquest III |document=Documents\Conquest II Installation Guide.docx;topic=Installation.


      The Conquest III installer has been revised and simplified

Fixed Bugs:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      The Uncategorised Report Category|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Use The Report Manager Editor has been returned to the Reports Manager|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Use The Report Manager

      The Filter Builder|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Use The Filter Builder for a New Report now closes properly. For more details see How To Run Reports|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Run Reports

      When the Navigation window|topic=Navigating the Application;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx is unpinned showing just a small tab on the left of Conquest III, there is now a short pointer-delay built into it so that, when the mouse-pointer over-shoots and touches it from the Conquest Home tab|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=Information Window, the Navigation window no longer immediately slides out before the pointer can be moved off it

      The Query task for “Add to Favourites” is now positioned correctly at the bottom of the Query tasks list, consistent with other primary forms

      All form labels to the Organisational Hierarchy selector now read “Organisation Unit”

      Views and Queries now check the count of database rows, that their filter will return, and ask if it is OK to proceed, should the count exceeds the “Number of Rows in a Query that will Generate a Warning”, option in the How To Use The Options Form section|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Use The Options Form

      The Action form, Related Items tab, is now always present, even if there are no related items. For more details on Actions see How To Create an Action|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Create an Action

      Items in the Related Items list of the Action form now ignore the “Show Completed…” options

      In the Documents tab of all the major forms the “View Document” and “Save Local Copy” Tasks are made available, when any part of a Document tile is clicked on, including the blue link

      Queries to list Asset Inspections no longer fail, when selecting to view the Organisation and Inspection Type fields

      All user fields 1-30 are now available to filters and queries

      The Option “Hide New Request Task” now works correctly, when the Extension Editor|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Use Conquest Extensions is open


      An Action created for a Defect from a Standard Action, now gets the Standard Action Description

      Actions can be deleted from the Defect form, Actions list, provided that they are not related to any other Defect, Action or Request, in which case they must be unrelated from the Action form before they can be deleted from the Defect form

      Deleting a Task from an Action no longer gives an error


      An Asset Condition Inspection triggered from an Inspection Date change is now subject to the Save and Cancel buttons

      Fixed primary key conflict messages with multiple users editing the same Asset (concurrency)

      Changing the Asset on an Action then assigning a Standard Action before clicking Save, now preserves the change of Asset


      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports and Dialogs:

      New Report “Grouped Asset Cost Movement”

      New Report “Grouped Asset Depreciation Movement”

      New Report “Grouped Asset Written Down Summary”

      Actions and Defects

      Attributes now conform to the Order specified in the Attribute Set


      Attributes now conform to the Order specified in the Attribute Set

      When the Asset Type is changed the Asset Explorer icon synchronizes to the new Asset Type

      New Assets created by copying an existing Valued Asset, now have all values zeroed and transactions removed


      Now has a Documents tab in the same fashion as the other major forms

      No longer gives a Silverlight error on the Inspection Tab

3.0106 Build 4729.21510

Fixed Bugs:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists and Dialogs

      The Find Tool now retains the Find Values for each Find Type, even when switching among the Find Types

      The Task Names for Exporting from Lists of Assets now show the correct Task Names

      Some usability improvements to dialog forms within Object forms, bigger progress bars, OK buttons instead of Save


      An Action listed under a Defect can now be deleted from that Defect provided that the Action is not associated with other Defects, Requests or Actions

      The Action form and all major object forms now include all Object data, Diary Notes and Document attachments as one transaction controlled by the Save and Cancel buttons on the right-hand end of the Object form’s tab strip, which means that even though some time might be spent uploading documents and waiting for the upload dialog to finish, clicking the Cancel button on the main form will reverse all form changes and delete the uploaded files from the server


      The Copy Asset task now conforms with the System Option to allow or disallow Asset copying


      A new tool, the ‘Connections Utility’ is available on the server-side e.g. “c:\program files (x86)\Conquest\Conquest III Test\App_Admin\” to provide functionality to maintain connection strings, which were formerly stored within the web.config file. The person performing the installation will use the utility as part of the installation and in stand-alone mode, when new connections are required:




      Connection strings are now stored individually e.g. “c:\program files (x86)\Conquest\Conquest III Test\App_Data\Connections\Conquest Office Test.cqcn”. These files are in XML format.

      The Query Builder has been made consistent with other Edit forms by the provision of Edit and Cancel buttons

      The Conquest III Installer has been modified to:

      Install the “Connections Utility” into the Conquest III Application path e.g. “c:\program files (x86)\Conquest\Conquest III Test\App Admin\Configuration Utility.exe”.

      Run the “Connections Utility” during installation, to create connections as required. Future, upgrade installs of Conquest III will retain the existing connections

3.0105 Build 4638.24521


      The changes made in Conquest II to improve the performance of Bulk data functionality and the creating of Actions from Standard Actions, come with a database change that is significant for Conquest III. Therefore, Conquest II 2.57b1 must be installed with this release of Conquest III

      The authentication method used by Conquest III is now recommended as “Passthrough Authentication”, which allows third party integrations such as Trim 7.1 to use the authentication details. See

Fixed Bugs:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists and Dialogs

      Failure to connect to the Conquest Database because it is in an unexpected state, is now handled with a message to contact the Conquest Administrator

      Selecting the Asset Explorer from the Conquest Home tab, drop-down list now opens the Explorer as it should

      A scrollbar has been added to the Drop-list of Users, when assigning a User View

      Numeric fields on forms now allow direct entry of decimal places from the QWERTY keyboard e.g. “.5”

      The forms that support Editing of Filters, Options and Extensions are now standardized with; Edit and Cancel Tasks and a warning message for any Unsaved Edit


      New Actions are now assigned the Type of the Parent Asset

      Action assignment history now includes the very first assignee

      For a Request selected in the Related Items tab, the “Delete request” task was misplaced. It should have been “Unrelate Request”. It has now been changed accordingly

      The Notes from a Standard Action are no longer being put twice into Actions derived from them

      The Costs tab no longer allows negative numbers

      When an Action is deleted from a Request, the Recently Viewed or Favourite list item for it is now deleted as well


      The User Fields are now displayed in Field Type, numerical order

      It is no longer possible to accidentally change a date, when using the scroll-wheel to scroll down through the Asset data. This fix applies to all forms

      The Transaction list form can now be resized

      The Journal form now allows for Impairments. Details on doing this can be found in the section on How To Manage Financial Data|topic=How To Manage Financial Data;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx

      Valued Asset transactions now include the TypeID and FunctionID from the Asset at the time of the transaction

      Added a warning, when the date of the current Inspection is changed to a date prior to the current date


      A new tool called “Share Link”, has been added to Assets, Defects, Actions, Lists and Recently Viewed items to allow a “Link” to be generated to the Windows Clipboard or to an E-mail form to send to another person, who has access to use Conquest III, enabling them to open the form or list to work with the “Linked” items. The tool takes the form of a small “Chain-link”, clickable image on the top-right of the form header or the far right of a selected list item or items. On new Assets, it is available after the first Save.

      Conquest Viewer for Conquest III is now available for customers with a Conquest Viewer Licence. Viewer Users must belong to an Active Directory Group that has been granted permission to read the Conquest Database, so that they can be e-mailed with Links to Assets by using the “Share Link” tool

      When the personal preference “Show Asset Details” in the Options form is not ticked, opening the Asset form takes the “Lists” format; showing lists of Parent Assets, Child Assets and Transactions. These lists are divided by Expander Bars which now “remember” the Expanded or Collapsed state from the last time they were displayed

      In the Queries window a Query can be selected by an Administrator and assigned to a non-Administrator or selected by a non-Administrator and assigned to an Administrator

      The Asset form, “Delete” Task is now labeled “Delete Asset” to avoid it being mistakenly selected, when deleting items in Asset lists, which is done with the “Delete Assets” Task

      Integration with the TRIM 7.1 DMS has been implemented, including:

      Documents that are attached to actions are placed in the TRIM container as defined on the nearest ancestor Asset

      Documents that are registered in TRIM use the logged in user. This is enabled with pass-through authentication.

      The authentication model has been improved to allow Pass-through authentication for Conquest III in IIS that will integrate better with:

      SQL Server

      SQL Reporting Services

      Third-party software such as Trim 7.1 (Pass-through is in fact, the only way for proper integration with Trim 7.1 to take place).

3.0104 Build 4528.27090

Fixed Bugs:

      Explorer, Editors and Lists

      The Tax Module is now fully “turned off”, when the licence option is “No”

      When an Item in the Recently Viewed and Favourites list changes state e.g. Incomplete to Complete, Proposed to Current, the Icon now changes accordingly

      Moving or Copying an Asset in a list to an Asset at the same level now works

      Some Queries from Conquest II failed in Conquest III with empty Alias names, now fixed

      The Query results list now shows List field Item Text instead of Item Code

      The Query results list column headings now handle simple arithmetic symbols correctly in the alias created on a compound column e.g. “()/*-+”

      The Query Builder now gets the correct data for Action Location

      The “Date Created” is now being handled correctly in filters

      Incorrect URL links in E-mail generated by Conquest III from incorrectly structured Email Merge Editor text are handled better

      Changes to View fields are now saved


      Actions open in the Action form now show the ReferenceID prefixed to the Action Description in the form header

      The E-mail generated for Issuing a Work Order now uses the E-mail address of the assignee to fill the To: field


      Creating a new Asset, including Valuation details can now be accomplished with a single save

      Write to User Interface is now available from the Asset form


      The Conquest Requests entry point is now fully implemented

      Request Reports on E-mails are now displayed correctly

      Requests can be removed from the “New>Request” Task with the “Hide New Request” System Option


      The System Options are now available to Administrators from the Options form

3.0103 Build 4503.28429

Fixed bugs:

      Explorer, Editors and Lists

      The Asset Explorer in a Tab window now synchronizes correctly to the Asset Explorer in the Navigation window

      The Views in View Manager, view lists, now show the View Icon in Red for System Views

      A View in View Manager can now be deleted, while the View is in Edit mode and, while a Query copied from it is open.

      The View Editor now allows the Date Field to be edited

      List items now show their icon on the left of the List. There is a short delay, while the icons load but this doesn’t affect functionality on any item already in the List.

      The Hierarchy Picker forms now allow entry of an ID to directly select an item rather than having to drill down to get to it


      New Actions created from a Standard Action now have all User Field values from the Standard Action

      New Actions Created on a Defect now show the Defect in the Related Items tab; the Defect form, Actions tab is immediately refreshed with the new Action

      The Action form now remains in edit mode after assigning the Action to an Organisation Unit

      The Assign Standard Action Task no longer produces an empty list

      The Action Contractor list is now sorted alphabetically

      The Action Diary Notes are now sorted into ascending date and time order

      Some Issues with Repeatable Actions and scheduling. Now works like Conquest II

      The option to force assignment of an Organisation Unit on Actions and Requests now works

      A problem with creating Cyclic Actions is solved by upgrading Conquest II to V2.57a2 and refreshing System Objects. Alternatively, a script can be acquired from Conquest Support

      Actions must now be assigned to an Asset before they can be Completed

      Succeeding Actions, naming and refreshing now works as per Conquest II


      Show Disposed Assets option now works

      Assets in the Favourites section now refresh with changes since last used

      Users with Read Only access to Assets in general, can now create a new Asset of an Asset Type that they have specific permission to or an Asset with no Asset Type

      Users must now have Edit access to a type of Asset to create it

      Asset Expected Life is now calculated correctly

      Split Asset is now only available to users with Valuation permission

      Split Asset Unit of Measure is now shown correctly

      When an Asset is Split, the Last Transaction date is now updated correctly

      Copy Down of Asset data now works

      Copy Down field list is no longer doubled up

      The Asset Copy and Move functionality now refreshes the Explorers

      Issues with deleting Assets are solved

      Changing the Asset Creation date now prompts if the Expiry date is to be recalculated

      The “Disable Insert Action” option now works correctly to stop the user from using the New>Action menu to create ad hoc Actions


      New Defects now show immediately in the Recently Viewed list

      Defects now have the “Add to Favourites” task available

      Deleting a Defect now works

3.0102 Build 4477.19377

      Fixed bugs:

      In forms with Documents Tab, adding a new document that was open in another program would fail with a system error. Now a proper message is given “The file you are attaching is currently in use. Please try again.”

      The Conquest III Logger is now off by default, when the application launches

      The Conquest III Logger, now always creates a new log file, when it is turned on

      For new databases the Query Builder no longer gives an error message, when there are no Hierarchies defined

      The Layout of the Docking windows was not working well and nor were the Layout buttons. Docking windows have been simplified so that Combined Docking is no longer a feature. The two Docking windows can be moved from left to right and vice versa. They can be widened or narrowed. They can be made to Slide away, when not in use, showing just a vertical Tab label beside the Information window and, when the Mouse Pointer is hovered over them, they Slide out. The Layout buttons now work properly

      In the Query Builder the field names now change when Attribute/Category changes

      The Query List is now in Alphabetical sequence

      Users with Permissions on Asset Types were not able to use or create Views. They now can

      Improved tolerance to exceptional data

      Better handling of Reporting Services messages

      Fixed a problem in the Exception handler


      In the Filter Editor, the “Today” date value can be edited with a plus or minus value to give a number of days e.g. “TODAY-10”

      “New Action” is now available in the Defect form

      When the “Show Asset Details” checkbox is cleared, a new list is created for every Asset clicked in the Explorer or in a List

      Improved tolerance to exceptional data

      Better handling of Reporting Services messages

3.0101 Build 4461.26249

      Introduces a change to the Build numbers shown in Help and the Conquest III About form, to allow for finer identification of functionality and fixes

      Fixed bugs:

      In the Logger Option behavior

      In handling Outlook messages (.msg files) as attached documents

      When users with no privilege to access Actions, click on the Actions tab, they no longer get an error message

      When entering a SQL statement in the SQL tab of the Query builder the last character entered is now saved, preventing an error message

      When an Action form is opened from a List and then Completed, the List is updated

      So that Conquest III is now consistent with Conquest II in how Actual Age of an Asset (Estimate vs Actual) is displayed

      The Find tool is more flexible:

      A successful, single-row Find will open the form for the Found item e.g. an AssetID or an exact AssetDescription but will not leave the Find Form open

      A multiple row find will always open the Find Form with the list of found items, as will a failure to find

      Clicking the “Magnifying Glass” button with no Find data will open the Find Form, ready for configuration or input

      The Find Form window tab now has a magnifying glass icon to help to identify it

      The Tasks bar label is now always correctly titled with the name of the “Find Type”

      Improved warning message given, when one or more unsaved forms are being closed without having been saved

      The Asset Explorer and the View Manager now have full right-click access to Asset and View item Tasks without having to open the item’s form first

      When the Asset Explorer is “Popped-out” as a new Information window tab, a Recently Viewed list item is created, available for opening the Asset Explorer from the Conquest Home form

      The Task buttons in all of the Navigation windows, panel headers have been removed to make the user interface more consistent

      New Queries can be created from the Navigation window, Queries panel, by Right-clicking in the “white-space” of the panel

      The Actions forms is improved by rationalizing the Identity details and bring the Assignment details towards the top of the form, specifically:

      Moving the Asset Description and Asset Type to the bottom of the Action Identity section

      Removing the Assets Details section

      Moving the Action Assignment sub-section details to the Action Details section, above the Action Urgency row

      From the Action form, when the “Relate Defect” Task is used, the generic Find Form displays the Defects that are available to relate

      From the Defect form, when the “Relate Action” Task is used, the generic Find Form displays the Actions that are available to relate

      The Request form “Add to Favourites” Task is available for a new, blank Request. Once used, the “New Request” favourite can be used repeatedly to create Requests from the Conquest III Home Page, rather than clicking the New and Request Tasks.

      Completed Requests show “(Read Only)” after the Reference ID field.

      When the Request form has Actions in the Actions tab list, they can be selected and deleted by using the Delete Task. If the Action being deleted has no other dependencies, other than being on an Asset, it will be deleted from the database. However, if it has other relationships then it will unrelated from the Request but will remain in the database

      The View Editor form now provides a Task to copy the View definition to a limited (SQL only) Query definition

      Access to the Silverlight Configuration form is provided by selecting the Conquest III Tools Menu (top-right of the application header) then right-clicking anywhere in the menu

3.01 Build 4442.29687

Fixes a bug, when handling a Conquest Extension (Validation)

3.01 Build 4441.25632

      This release includes the major Asset Management functionality:


      Asset Explorer


      Limited Reports


      Configuration of personal display and content preferences

The database connection string assembled during installation is unencrypted at this time. Encryption will be provided in an incremental releases of Conquest 3 3.01.nnnn.nnnnn in the near future.


A Beta release for testers to acquaint themselves with the changes in technology and presentation.