Web Server

Note: If you want to upgrade Conquest III from a version earlier than 3.0330, use the Windows Installer to remove the old version then install and use the Management Console to install the new version of Conquest III.

Requirements for the Web Server to host the Conquest Management Console, Conquest III and Conquest API are:

      Modern, server grade hardware with a minimum 4 Gigabytes of RAM, Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows 10 Pro - 64 bit

      Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.7.2 or later

      IIS 8 or later for Conquest III and Conquest API v1; Conquest API v2 does not require IIS

      Internet Access to:





      Uses Kerberos authentication if possible because it:

      Uses delegated Services to decrease the opportunity for misuse/mischief

      Supersedes NT LAN Manager (NTLM), which is an old technology

      Is faster than NTLM

      Uses Mutual Authentication - client to service/service to client

      Is Open Standard

      Is Smart card logon capable, to protect passwords

Things to be aware of:

      The Conquest web server is often the Conquest file server too

      Because Servers are replaced from time to time and their names changed, using a DNS record to apply a name to the Conquest server, saves having to edit the database tables that store the path to file system repositories