Switch Between Service Account and Kerberos

You can switch from Service Account authentication by first doing all of the delegations described in Kerberos Delegation , all without disturbing the Conquest web site. When you are confident that you have done the delegations and accompanying restarts, it's then a matter of using IIS to:

      Stop the Conquest III web site

      From 'Basic Settings' click the ‘Connect as…’ button

      Change the authentication method to 'Application user (pass-through authentication)

      Restart Conquest III

      If there are failures or errors from Conquest III client sessions, go back over the work you did on delegations. Failing that, contact Conquest Support

To switch from Kerberos to Service Account authentication, use IIS to:

      Stop the Conquest III web site

      From 'Basic Settings' click the ‘Connect as…’ button

      Change the authentication method to ‘Specific user’ and click the ‘Set’ button

      Enter the predefined credentials of your Conquest Service Account

      Restart Conquest III

      If there are failures or errors from Conquest III client sessions, check and correct the permissions for the Service Account. Failing that, contact Conquest Support