Stop Conquest

Log out of Conquest III by using the Conquest Toolbar and selecting the “Log Out” item. See The Conquest Menu for more details.

This is the recommended way of finishing a Conquest III session because it immediately releases the Conquest Licence for reuse by another Conquest User.

“Log Out” does not close either the Browser Tab or the Browser, it just:

      Closes the Conquest III Application on the workstation

      Releases the Conquest licence for reuse unless the User is configured to Reserve a licence

      Displays a splash-screen, ready to log in again by clicking on the “Log In” link:

      At this point it is OK to close the Web Browser

      Alternatively, leave it as it is and use “Log In”, when it is time to use Conquest III again

Note: “Log Out” frees up the Conquest Licence by deleting the session data from the Conquest database. If the Browser or Browser Tab “Close” button (X in the top right hand corner) is used instead of using the Conquest III “Log Out”, the session data stored in the Conquest database persists and can be reused by another Conquest III session on the same workstation for up to 90 seconds. After 90 seconds the session data is purged and the licence becomes available.