Start Conquest

If you haven’t used Conquest up until now, ask your IT department to set up your PC. See the Client side prerequisites section.

Start Internet Explorer 11 and enter the Conquest III web address e.g.

Select a connection:

The Connection Form will always be displayed unless you un-tick the Show this screen at start-up checkbox, in which case you will not see the Connection Form, instead Conquest opens immediately with the last connection you used.

Things to be aware of:

Conquest III is normally fast to start except the very first time after an install/upgrade on the web server or after clearing the Browser Cache, when a caching operation takes place. Wait for the progress icon displayed inside the Find tool to finish.

When a PC is shared between users with different Conquest Permissions, the Web Browser option to require login by entering AD credentials should be set on and locked. Otherwise, the lesser privileged user could inadvertently acquire more privileges than they are entitled to and vice versa.

Conquest Viewer users start Conquest III by clicking on a link (URL), typically sent in an E-mail, which opens the Asset Form in Read-only mode.|document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx;topic=How To Use The Conquest Viewer Module