Updating Assets

To change existing Assets, the following guidelines to set up your CSV file will help:

      The first column of the data must be the AssetID 

      You cannot use ParentID, FamilyCode, LastFamilyCode, Lvl and Status because they are reserved by Conquest. Any other column from tblAsset may be included

      The data for the columns must match that of the tblAsset column’s data type, which you can research in SQL Server Management Studio, or refer to the Data Dictionary Report

      To update Asset Condition Inspection information (not to be confused with Defect Inspections and Asset Inspections):

      The InspectionDate column must be included.  Existing Asset data will be replaced with the data specified in the CSV file and an Inspection History of the Asset data values before the update, will be created

      To Import the Overall Condition you need to include the ConditionPoint for the Overall Condition Score and mancalccnd to set the manually calculated condition flag to true (is false by default). If this is left false, Conquest will assume that you are using the individual Condition Scores to calculate the Overall Condition

      The update file may also include any of the other columns from tblInspection. For example:




      It is not recommended to change the Asset Type in the same Bulk Data file as changes to Condition. Do them as separate files

      When updating Assets to change the Asset Type, if the Attribute set of the new Asset Type is not the same as that of the old Asset Type, you could lose data

      To update valuation information on Valued Assets, adjust any of:




      Provide the following columns to date-stamp and describe the resulting Journal transaction:



      ValuationComments (substitutes for tblValtrans.Comments and is optional)




The new Value of the Asset at the Last Transaction Date


The amount of depreciation accumulated on the Asset at the Last Transaction Date


The accumulated cost of works on the Asset, at the Last Transaction Date


The date at which the adjustments made in this Asset are as of.  It can be different to the ValDate, which is the Date of Valuation / Revaluation for this Asset


The valuation date of the updated valuation data


A comment to describe the Journal transaction