Related Items List - Defects

      Refresh retrieves the list from the database again

      Copy Defect(s) see Copy or Move Defects

      Move Defect(s) see Copy or Move Defects

      Export Defects outputs the selected Defects to Microsoft Excel

      Delete Defects will delete the selected Defects, as long as there aren’t any dependencies e.g. Related Actions or Requests

      Select Defect opens a Defect Form for the selected Defect; so does double-clicking

      Select All selects all of the Defects in the List; like clicking the “Arrowhead” on the left of the column headings

      Add to Favourites puts the selected Defect rows at the bottom of the Favourites List. See The Favourites List

      Create Action opens the Defect Action Form for the selected Defect. Select a Standard Action to create an Action, linked to the Defect

Things to be aware of:

Until a Defect in the list is selected, only the Refresh Task is visible.

The Copy, Move and Export Tasks are plural, if more than one Defect row is selected.

If you accidentally use Add to Favourites with a large selection of Defects, you can’t reverse it. You’ll have to remove them one by one, or ask Conquest Support to help with a SQL script.