
There are two broad types of Conquest Extension, designed to extend the standard Conquest functionality to meet your specific business requirements. Both types can coexist, provided that they do not conflict with each other:

      Iron Python scripts developed by your Conquest Administrator or their delegate, mostly independent of Conquest Solutions

      A Compiled C# module developed by Conquest Solutions Pty on your behalf

The Conquest Solutions Support team will provide assistance with your use of the Extension Editor and help with troubleshooting. See How To Use Conquest Extensions for more details.

Conquest Solutions will undertake to develop either type of Extension on your behalf, to an agreed specification and price.

The Iron Python programming language is used because:

      It is Open Source

      It is compatible with Microsoft C#.NET

      It is well supplied with tutorials and examples, freely available on the Internet

Extensions provide you with:

      Your own, organisation specific, business rules

      Integration with other applications

Things to be aware of:

      ***** Your server-side extensions do apply to Asset and Action data Imports, provided that such data is preconfigured to conform to Extension rules. Other Bulk data is not yet subject to Extensions *****

      Iron Python is a dynamic language that is compiled before each use. If the Extension code is not error free, it will cause the Conquest Function that uses it to fail e.g. an error in ‘Asset Save - Server’, will not allow Conquest III Users to save changes to Assets

      It is the responsibility of an organisation’s Conquest Administrator or their delegate, to keep Extension code working to specification:

      Always check to see that your Extension does not conflict any other Integration Extension that you might have

      It is most important that all of your Extensions are tested, to a predefined Test Plan, every time you upgrade Conquest III, because Conquest attributes and methods do change:

      To enhance functionality

      To comply with legislation

      To meet industry best practice standards