How To Use Conquest Extensions

This section is about how to interact with the Conquest Extensions Form and sub-Forms for a Validation Extension. There is a detailed description and a number of generic examples you can refer to in the Administration section at Conquest Extensions.

To get started:

      From the Configuration bar of the Navigation Window

      Or from the Conquest Menu

      Click on Conquest Extensions to open the Extensions Page

      Click on the expander bar for the Conquest Data Object you want to extend, in this case Asset:

      Click on type of Extension that you want to work with, in this example Field Validation Scripts:

      Scroll down the list

      Click on the Field, which you want to extend, which would normally be Asset - Asset Description

      Don’t keep the default Script Name. Give it a Function name that suits the type of work you do and the rule you are making. In this case we gave it the name Asset Description but we could have called it Asset Description Min Length

      Enter in comments and code for the functionality of the extension

      Don’t forget to click Save as you work

      Include a Test function

      Click the Test Task, when you you have built up the code

      Fix errors then Save and Test iteratively until you are satisfied with the result

      Now from the Asset Form prove that the Extension works

The process of making and maintaining Iron Python Extensions in the Extension Editor is much the same for all types of Extension. The code may become more complex, if you develop new rules, over time. See Developing Validation Scripts for more details and examples.