Microsoft Office

The following applies to Conquest II using the Conquest Runtime, which uses the MS Access 2003 Runtime. It is not relevant for Conquest II installed with the option to use MS Access 2010. However, there may be further configuration for some customers wishing to use Trusts, when using MS Access 2010, which subject is covered under MS Access 2010

A Windows PC will allow multiple versions of MS Office to be installed on it. In such a configuration the Windows Installer will activate to adjust the Windows Registry each time a different version of MS Access is launched.

Because Conquest uses the MS Access 2003 Runtime to support its functionality, in the form of the Conquest Runtime, the Windows Installer service sets MS Access 2003 as the current version. Therefore, on a PC with MS Office 2007 or 2010 installed on it, the Windows Installer would normally activate each time a user switches from Conquest to MS Access 2007 or 2010, to make that version current (the full version of MS Access 2003 is OK).

To overcome this behavior, an override has been programmed into Conquest to:

      Allow the MS Office 2003 Runtime and one of MS Office 2007 or 2010, to work together without activating the Windows Installer

      Tell the Windows Installer not to activate more than once for each of the above two versions of MS Access

      Work on a standard Windows Registry i.e. one that has not had other modifications made to MS Office entries

In summary, after the Conquest Runtime is installed on a PC that has one of MS Office 2007 or 2010 installed on it, the first time Conquest is launched and the first time that MS Access 2007 or 2010 is launched, the Windows Installer will display a dialog window. Thereafter, launching either program will not activate the Windows Installer until such time as the Conquest Runtime or MS Office is modified or re-installed.

In the case of a PC with Conquest, MS Office 2010 and the full version of MS Access 2003 installed, launching MS Access 2003 and then MS Access 2010, will activate the Windows Installer.

See the note in General Prerequisites for issues in regard to Microsoft Updates.