Map Manager - Layer Manager

Open the Conquest Map Manager to access the Conquest Map View:

You are now ready to make changes to the Map Layers of a Map View. Note: Changes are in the Conquest server-side database, not on your local CMTPC machine. The changes won’t show in CMTPC until you perform a Download that includes the Map View you have changed:

      Click the Tool Menu

      Select Layer Manager

      Select a View Name from the lower list e.g. MGA54

      Click the Load button. You should see the upper list of Map Layers change accordingly

      Click a Layer Name. You can now use the buttons on the right of the Map Layers list e.g. to make labels appear on Roads do the following:

      Click the tutRoads Map Layer

      Click the Labelling button

      Tick the Autolabelling On checkbox

      Click OK (see the red tick appear)

      Click Apply (see the labels appear for Roads on the Map)

      If the font looks too large, Click on Labeling again, then on Text Style

      In this example, change the font size from 12 to 8, Click OK twice then Click Apply

      Now all of the Road / Footpath labels are showing

      Click Save in the lower set of buttons, which saves the Map View in Conquest

      Close the Layer Manager

      Remember: You won’t see the effect of your changes in CMTPC until your next Download

There is a lot of scope for improving the appearance of Conquest Maps in CMTPC. Try some variations until you are happy with the effects.