Create Map Views

The Layer Control icon opens a form which allows the user to create new, select existing and/or amend existing Views.

Views are defined by a selection of MapInfo layers and will display this set’s associated objects.

New Views can be created by using the Add and/or Remove buttons to define a new set of layers.  Once the desired set has been defined, use the Save As button to save it as a View.  The Apply button will activate the current defined set of layers.

Click the Show Views button to see a list of existing Views.  To activate an existing View, select it from the list and click the Load button.  Existing Views can be changed by adding or removing layers to or from it.  Changes need to be applied before their affect will be visible in the Map.  Further, also note that without saving the changed View, the changes will only be applicable for the current session.

The order in which the layers appear in the Layer Control form can be changed by using the Up or Down buttons.

In the “Available View” list, one of the Views can be selected and made the default View by clicking the “Set Default” button. The Default View is the map that is first displayed, when opening Conquest Map.

Click the Layer Control icon to close the form.

See the Reference section for more details on configuring the Views.