Introduction to the API

The Conquest API is a JSON HTTP service with two versions at present, although these will merge in the near future:

      Install the Conquest API provides the Windows Service based version to support the Conquest Mobile and Desktop Apps from:

      Conquest Mobile version 1.0 onwards

      Conquest Desktop replacement for Conquest III

Documentation on the API is available here.

By purchasing a development licence, you can employ a developer skilled in the use of modern web technologies, to build your own Apps over the Conquest API. Alternatively, Conquest Solutions will provide you with a quotation to develop the App for you, to an agreed specification and price.

Knowing how to make an HTTP REQUEST is fundamental knowledge for developers to consume the API.

There are three ways of parameterising an HTTP REQUEST:

      Endpoint - the HTTP Method and Request URL

      Request Headers - a key / value list

      Request Body - usually JSON

Tools for learning, testing and developing for the Conquest API are:


      Curl inside PowerShell


Note: The API must be set up with a signed, ‘Transport Layer Security’ (TLS-02) certificate.