Install Conquest III

Start The Conquest Management Console.

If you see Click here to update in the Form Header, please do so:


If this is your first use of it, the Management Console will look empty:

Click the View Products button:

Select a version of Conquest III e.g. 3.0400, wait for it to show as selected then click the ‘Install’ button:

Configure the default values:

      ‘Physical Path’: The default of ‘C:\inetpub\Conquest Websites\Conquest III’ should be appended with a new folder to suit the purpose of the installation e.g. “\Test”

      ‘App Data Folder Permissions’: The default AD Security Group “…\Domain Users” is usually not suitable, so click ‘New Folder Permission’

      Enter the name of the desired Security Group. It is a case-sensitive name prefixed with the Domain Name e.g. CONQUEST\Conquest Users:

      Now click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the “…\Domain Users” item, which will remove it

      ‘Web Site’ needs to be given a name, preferably not containing spaces e.g. “ConquestTest”

      Application Pool can have spaces in the name e.g. “Conquest Test”:

      The ‘New Web Site’ checkbox is ticked by default, which ensures that for a new web site, the ‘Physical Path’ does not already contain files or folders. Only untick this, if the ‘Physical Path’ is being reused

      The ‘Http Bindings’ of “*:89” is just for example, so feel free to delete it and allocate a suitable port number with the ‘New Binding’ button. Note: as of version 3.0400 HTTPS ports must be used

      When a DNS name is to be used, use ‘New Binding’ for that too. Note: from version 3.0400, Transport Layer Security (TLS-02) is requires, tick the ‘HTTPS’ checkbox, which requires that a trusted Transport Layer Security (TLS-02) Certificate has been installed on the web server:

      ‘Passthrough authentication’ is the default protocol, see Application User (pass-through authentication) for details, but can be unticked to display the ‘Connect As Username’ and ‘Connect As Password’ fields for entry of service account credentials.

Click ‘Begin’, which depending on internet performance, may take a minute or so to do the following:

      Validate the Web App configuration

      Download the Conquest III package. Note: This is a possible point of failure by loss of the internet feed. In this case, when the internet is available, click ‘Begin’, to try again

      Create the Web App and Application Pool

      Click ‘Close’ to complete the Web Site:

After an install or update, you must:

      For version 3.0400 and later, Conquest III must be registered in the Conquest Services Portal, so that licences can be handled. From the Manage Menu click ‘Register’:

      Enter the address. External Access is only required if the web site is to be available on the Internet, in which case you will need a Public Firewall Rule

      Create at least one Database Connection, if it doesn’t yet exist

      Update the Licence

      Refresh System Objects

      When the Conquest Database has not previously been updated for version 3.0330 or later, use Conquest III as an Administrator, and run the ‘Report Manager’ function ‘Manage Updates’, which will provide you with the latest Standard Reports set. Note: If this is not done, the standard Reports and Filters that have been developed for them before the Conquest Upgrade, will be unavailable

      Use the Manage Menu to refresh Licences and System Objects