How To Perform a Condition Inspection

To set up a schedule for Condition Inspections, open the relevant Asset Type’s Inspection tab and edit the Condition Inspection Frequency section.  Also ensure that the Inspection Date field for the Current Condition Inspection on the Inspection tab of the Asset form has a value.  This date should be the date that the condition attributes for this Asset were collected.  Once this date is entered then the next inspection date will be generated based on the settings in the Asset Type.  (Refer to the reference section, Asset Form - Inspections Tab for more detail.)

Recording a Condition Inspection

If, due to an inspection, condition attributes of an Asset are to be changed then a re-inspection should be performed.  To do this, first enter a new date into the ‘Inspection Date’ field for the Current Condition Inspection on the Inspection Tab of the Asset form.  A prompt will be displayed asking whether the change in date represents a ‘Reinspection’ or is only a modification to the existing inspection date.  If ‘Reinspection’ is selected a history of the previous attribute data will be kept.  Secondly, enter the new condition data into the appropriate attribute fields on the Asset form.

Inspection History

The dates on which previous condition inspections occurred are listed on the Inspections tab of the Asset form.  To view historical condition inspection information, select the relevant Inspection and click the View button. 

Step 1.       Open the relevant Asset and click on the Inspection Tab

Step 2.       In the Condition Inspection section,  Click on the particular Condition that you wish to view

Step 3.       Click the View button.  The Condition Inspection History form is shown below

Things to be aware of:

      An Inspection date (current Condition) must be recorded on an Asset or the Next Inspection will not generate.  Additionally you cannot ‘Reinspect’ the Asset unless it has been previously inspected

      Frequent view filters for appropriate staff could be set-up to display the Assets that are due for condition inspections.  (e.g. Next Inspection is less than Today for due Condition Inspections).  These would ideally be frequent views for that user and would be expected to be run regularly.  (Refer to the reference section on Filtering for more detail on filters.)

      Conquest Mobile will automatically handle the Reinspection process when the data is loaded back into Conquest