Asset Form - Inspection Tab

The Asset Inspection Form records information about an inspection and also the previous inspections for an Asset.

Conquest records three types of inspections, namely Condition, Defect and Standard inspections. A condition inspection is recorded if any Asset attribute data is changed during an Inspection. A defect inspection is recorded if no changes are made to Asset data but a Defect is added.  A Standard inspection is recorded on an Asset, either manually or via the bulk process.

Whenever Asset data, specifically attribute data is changed, an inspection date is to be provided to ensure that previous data is retained in a history file. Once a new inspection date is entered, a popup form will ask the user if a history record should be created or not.

General Inspection Information



Further Inspection By

If there were a need for a follow-up inspection, the responsible person or organization is recorded here.

Action Required

If it was noted during the inspection that some work should be done then this check box can be ticked serving as a reminder to create a works Action. User views can be created to list all the Assets, which require action. These lists can be monitored weekly or daily as needed.

Renew Asset

If the Inspection reveals that the Asset is in need of renewal then this check box can be selected as a reminder.

Renew By

This field records the date the Asset needs to be renewed by.

Next Inspection

This date field displays the date for the next condition inspection. This can be automated on the Asset Type by setting the Condition Inspection Frequencies.

Next Defect Inspection

This date field displays the date of the next Defect Inspection. This can be automated on the Asset Type by setting the Asset Priority on the Asset form and the Priority Response times on the Asset Type.

Asset Inspection Notes

Records any notes that will be helpful during an inspection of this asset. Unlike the inspection information, above, these notes are for this Asset only.



Condition Inspections



Inspection Date

The Date of the last inspection is displayed here. This field is manually entered or when data is uploaded from a mobile device.


This field records the name of the individual that carried out the inspection. This field is manually entered or when data is uploaded from a mobile device


The Organisation’s name is either manually entered or when data is uploaded from a mobile device.

Inspection Type

This is a drop down list which can be amended in the Code Editor under System lists.

Inspection Notes

This contains notes recorded for this particular inspection. This field is entered manually or when data is uploaded from a mobile device. These notes would be particular to the inspection and not necessarily to the particular Asset.



A list of all the previous Condition Inspections is displayed in the Condition Inspection History section.  Any one of these inspections can be viewed by selecting it and then clicking on the ‘View’ button.

Defect Inspections

A list of defect inspections is displayed in the Defect Inspection Section.

Clicking the + icon next to an inspection will reveal a list of Defects that were collected on that inspection – the bold ones are uncompleted defects. These can also be viewed via the View button.

Standard Inspection

These are Asset Inspections based on the Standard Inspections set up in the Knowledge Base for this type of Asset.

Next Inspection Date is the Date of the next due inspection is displayed here.

A list of the Standard Inspections for the Asset Type is displayed in this section. When one is selected its details can be viewed by clicking the View button.