How to Create an Inspection Program

Step 1.       Click the “Add” button to create a new Inspection Program

Step 2.       Create a filter of Assets to be downloaded.  The filter is created like any other filter in Conquest

Step 3.       If the Inspection Program is to be used with Conquest Mobile Tablet PC Edition, then map views must be selected to be downloaded as well.  Any number of map views can be selected but one must be set as the default view.  This is the view that will first open when Conquest Mobile is opened.

Step 4.       Select the “Allow Assets to Edited on Device” check-box if it is the intention to edit Asset; General data, Conditions or Attributes during the Inspection.  In this case the downloaded Assets are made “Read Only” in Conquest so no changes are possible until an Inspection Program Upload is performed.  For Defect Inspections this option can remain unselected.

Step 5.       The View button can be used to see a list of Assets to be downloaded.  This can be useful when using complicated filters.