How To Create Filters

There are many functions within Conquest that require a filter to perform correctly.  A filter is a way to select a group of items, be they Assets, Actions, and Defects etc, based on a set of specified criteria.

The Layout of the Filter form is described in the Reference Page Filtering.

The Filter form is used for many of Conquests Functions including Views, Queries, Reports, Batch Valuations and Depreciations, Conquest Collect, etc.  The form is used in the same manner for all these functions but there may slight variations to the layout depending on where it is used.

The main function of Filtering is creating the Criteria.  The criteria for filters are created in the bottom section of the form and can contain as many lines as desired.  Each line of the criteria takes the form of Where “a Field Name” satisfies an Operator ”filter criteria” and  Value “a value” and Join “a join type” if more than one line is used in the filter “a join type”.

      The Field Names list in the Where column is determined by the sort of Filter being created.  E.g. in the Views/Assets area then the list will contain the fields from Assets and Asset Types.

      Useful fields to choose here are any of the Code field’s e.g.  Family Code, Type Code, Function Code etc.  Selecting one of these will allow the value to be selected from the relevant hierarchy.

      If a selection is made from the Attribute set drop list (this is above the Criteria) then the field names will displayed with their Attribute Labels rather than the generic field names.  E.g. If Road Surfaces was selected then a field called Length would be displayed rather than Dimension1.

      The join type is a list of different ways to compare the data in the field selected with the Value to be inputted.  E.g. greater than the Value, les then the Value, equal to the Value etc.

      If a Code field is selected the “a Descendent of” Join will be available.  This is applicable to hierarchies only and automatically selects all the children of the selected record.  E.g. selecting a particular Road segment will also select all the components of that segment.

      The Value box is for entering a value to compare against the data for the selected field.  The comparison used is based on the join type.

      A button will be available that will open the relevant hierarchy if a Code field was selected.

      A drop list will be available if the field selected was a list field.  The list fields are created and managed in the Code Editor

      Wildcard characters can be used in "LIKE" expressions; the ‘percentage’ sign (%) matches zero or more characters

      At the end of the Row is a Join box which will contain ether an ‘And’ or an ‘Or’.  This joins the current Criteria row with the next one.  ‘And’ is the Default and would be used for the vast majority of filters.  The ‘Or’ would only be used is the resulting list was to include records that met either the criteria created rather than both (in the case of two criteria).