Deterioration Curves

User defined curves can be created in Conquest for the purpose of:

      Defining how an Asset Type will deteriorate over its life

      Calculating the probability of a Risk Event occurring

In addition, curves are used by:

      Conquest Road Surface Manager

To create a new curve click the New button and define a name:

      The X axis of the chart represents the percentage of the expected life used

      The Y axis of the chart represents the percentage of deterioration occurred

The boxes at the bottom should contain the percentage of deterioration at that percentage of expected life. This will draw a line to that point on the graph and once all boxes are filled the line should represent a curve of deterioration for an asset. You can also click on the chart to define a new point in the curve.

Please note that is it is not possible to define a point on a curve that has a lesser deterioration then the previous point.

A Deterioration Curve can then be assigned to an Asset Type

NOTE: Deterioration Curves have no effect on valuations and are not used in depreciation calculations.