Create an Action

Do this, when the remedial work to rectify a Defect is available from a Standard Action in your Inspection Program.

      Click in the empty Action field, for a list of the Standard Actions, pre-configured in Conquest for this type of Asset

      Click one, which will show its defined Field Labels in the Attribute column, ready for you to enter or select values

      Tick the checkbox on the left of the Action Description to link it to the Defect, which you must do, if the following Mobile Options are ticked in Conquest:


      Enter Inspection Notes, if needed

      If necessary, relate the Action to a Request. See Relate to a Request for details

      To Complete the Action tick the ‘Complete’ checkbox, which will open the Complete Action Form for you to enter details:

      Select the Completion Date

      Completed By comes from the CMTPC Settings and need not be changed

      Enter the Actual Cost of the work

      Enter the Actual Quantity

      Enter Completion Notes, if any

      Click ‘Complete’

      Click Save