Asset Inspection Form

The Asset Inspection fields come from the Standard Inspection that you select. They control:

      The sequence the Attribute Fields

      Whether the Attribute Fields are mandatory

      Explanatory Notes, which are made visible on the right of the selected field, if it has them

Enter or edit the form data then use the buttons in the form header as follows:


See How To record a Defect on an Asset Inspection Asset Inspection


Make some notes about the course of the Asset Inspection. These can be done from the Confirmation Form


Save the Asset Inspection data and close the form. If all mandatory fields have been entered then a dialog is popped up to Confirm the Asset Inspection.


Delete the Asset Inspection, which must have been created on the current Inspection Program. Requires a response.

      Date Fields

When you select a User Date Field a calendar a Calendar is displayed, to select a date from.  Use the delete key to clear a User Date Field.