Asset Attributes

In addition to the standard user fields, Asset Attributes provide for:

      10 condition fields (see description below)

      8 dimension fields (for defining the different measurement of an Asset, one of which can be used for valuation purposes).

      8 environment fields (for defining how the environmental may impact an Asset.

      Defect Element List (the list that is used for defining elements in a Defect for Assets of this type)

Condition Attributes

Condition Attributes are used to record the condition rating or score of a particular aspect of an Asset.  Up to ten condition parameters can be defined within each Attribute Set which can then be used to calculate an overall condition of the Asset.

Conquest supports two methods of calculating the overall condition of an asset; weighted average and condition distribution.  Please refer to the section on Asset Condition for more information on how these methods work.

The User is able to define a label for each condition attribute as well as the weight which applies to the attribute when calculating over all condition.  When the a condition type is ‘Weighted Average’, the user is also able to select a condition list (a user defined condition rating system) which is used when assessing the particular attribute.