
You can achieve crisp, reasonably sized text on a wide screen, with some adjustments. If you have a screen resolution of 1920 X 1080, you can set the ‘Zoom’ in Internet Explorer to 125%. See CLIENT SIDE for details.

Start Conquest III and make some changes to your Personal Preferences in the Options Form e.g:

      Explorer Font: Segoe UI

      Explorer Font Size: 14

      Explorer Header Font Size: 17

You may prefer something different. The above example is just one of many.

Things to be aware of:

The width of Forms in the Information Window changes according to the width set by you for the Navigation Window and the Tasks Window.

The Conquest App can’t stop you from closing the Web Browser Tab it is in, or even exiting the Web Browser itself, but in either case, Conquest will always prompt you to save or discard unsaved changes.

You can resize a window by click/dragging a border to increase or decrease the window area to suit its contents.

You can make a window Sliding by clicking the Unpin button, which increases the Information Window area; particularly useful on narrow screens.

You can move the Navigation Window or the Tasks Window to either side of the Information window. Do this by click/holding ing in the top strip of a window and drag/dropping it onto one of the four Docking  Icons (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) visible until you release the mouse-button.

You can use the Web Browser, Zoom settings to adjust the size of text and images. With some experimentation, a satisfactory layout can be achieved, even on smaller screens.

Don’t forget to save the layout, when you are satisfied with it. See Saving the Window Layout in the Options form.