3.0210 Build 4925.25854


The changes made in this release of Conquest III require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest III is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      Items on the Conquest Home Page lists can now be click-drag-dropped between “Favourites” and “Recently Viewed” and vice versa. Pin and Un-pin are still available

      Improved wording in messages

      Phantom Menus state has been fixed

      Document names now support parentheses

      The Options form now always shows the Save task the moment a field is changed

      When an Action or Defect, shown in any list, is edited and has a change of Completion state, the List that it came from, refreshes its contents, including icons, when the Action or Defect is saved

      The Find Tool now provides the Label given to Asset System User fields rather than the column name

      The Query Editor has been tuned so that the response to Table/Field/Criteria selection is faster

      Lists output to Excel using the Export “Object” task, now use Excel date format not UTC

      The Copy and Move Hierarchy Selector forms have had their titles changed to "Copy Object To", "Move Object To", where Object is “Asset” or “Action” etc

      The Copy Hierarchy Selector form now always expands to select the Parent Asset of the Asset, Action or Defect being copied, as the starting point

      Moving an Asset or Assets is now much faster

      The Delete Document dialog form no longer allows deletion of the file from the File Server to prevent the possibility of errors with CMTPC sketches shared between Defects and Actions


      Action Costs, Tasks and Resources Delete task is now labeled in context with the item being deleted

      When an Action is created, including a Master Action, the Action form now stays in Edit mode

      Repeatable Actions now have checkboxes in the Action Dates tab to allow copying of User Field values and Document links to the Succeeding Action on Completion

      In Read Only mode the date fields are now shown in the client PC Locale, Long format

      In Read Only mode the Asset Description no longer has a little image button to open the Asset form. Asset Description now behaves as a Link (blue text) provided that the user has access to Assets but black text and inactive if they don’t. When active, it can still be copied by Right-clicking on it and selecting the “Copy Text” option

      When Relating an Action to a Request and the Request(s) has been listed in the Relate Request form, the OK button is not active until a Request item is selected

      Issue Date is now formatted correctly


      In Read Only mode the date fields are now shown in the client PC Locale, Long format

      Unit of Measure now shows on Dimension fields

      Asset Inspections (Standard) now allow the creation of a Defect on the Inspection


      In Read Only mode the date fields are now shown in the client PC Locale, Long format


      The Request form now stays in Edit mode after an Action Response is created for it

Functional Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports and Dialogs:

      In the View Manager

      Views can now be defined at three levels. Individual User, Permission Group and System wide. See How To Create a View for details

      View Fields can now be set at three levels. Individual View, View Category and Globally for non-View Lists by Categories

      The Options form now has all of the Conquest Options except for “Forward Planning Date”, which is still done from Conquest II

      The Hierarchy Picker forms have been revised to allow flexible searching by; part of the description, the exact ID or part of the Hierarchy Code. See  for details

      All of the major Expander Bar panels in the Navigation window can now be popped out as forms and can be saved into the Conquest Home page, Favourites list

      The “Copy Asset To”, Hierarchy Selector form now has a “Copies” field, which can be incremented to create many new Assets based on a single Asset


      Asset Inspections (Standard) go onto the Recently Viewed list