3.0105 Build 4638.24521


      The changes made in Conquest II to improve the performance of Bulk data functionality and the creating of Actions from Standard Actions, come with a database change that is significant for Conquest III. Therefore, Conquest II 2.57b1 must be installed with this release of Conquest III

      The authentication method used by Conquest III is now recommended as “Passthrough Authentication”, which allows third party integrations such as Trim 7.1 to use the authentication details. See

Fixed Bugs:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists and Dialogs

      Failure to connect to the Conquest Database because it is in an unexpected state, is now handled with a message to contact the Conquest Administrator

      Selecting the Asset Explorer from the Conquest Home tab, drop-down list now opens the Explorer as it should. See Asset Explorer

      A scrollbar has been added to the Drop-list of Users, when assigning a User View

      Numeric fields on forms now allow direct entry of decimal places from the QWERTY keyboard e.g. “.5”

      The forms that support Editing of Filters, Options and Extensions are now standardized with; Edit and Cancel Tasks and a warning message for any Unsaved Edit


      New Actions are now assigned the Type of the Parent Asset

      Action assignment history now includes the very first assignee

      For a Request selected in the Related Items tab, the “Delete request” task was misplaced. It should have been “Unrelate Request”. It has now been changed accordingly

      The Notes from a Standard Action are no longer being put twice into Actions derived from them

      The Costs tab no longer allows negative numbers

      When an Action is deleted from a Request, the Recently Viewed or Favourite list item for it is now deleted as well. See details at Information window


      The User Fields are now displayed in Field Type, numerical order

      It is no longer possible to accidentally change a date, when using the scroll-wheel to scroll down through the Asset data. This fix applies to all forms

      The Transaction list form can now be resized

      The Journal form now allows for Impairments. Details on doing this can be found in the section on How To Manage Financial Data

      Valued Asset transactions now include the TypeID and FunctionID from the Asset at the time of the transaction

      Added a warning, when the date of the current Inspection is changed to a date prior to the current date


      A new tool called “Share Link”, has been added to Assets, Defects, Actions, Lists and Recently Viewed items to allow a “Link” to be generated to the Windows Clipboard or to an E-mail form to send to another person, who has access to use Conquest III, enabling them to open the form or list to work with the “Linked” items. The tool takes the form of a small “Chain-link”, clickable image on the top-right of the form header or the far right of a selected list item or items. On new Assets, it is available after the first Save.

      Conquest Viewer for Conquest III is now available for customers with a Conquest Viewer Licence. Viewer Users must belong to an Active Directory Group that has been granted permission to read the Conquest Database, so that they can be e-mailed with Links to Assets by using the “Share Link” tool

      When the personal preference “Show Asset Details” in the Options form is not ticked, opening the Asset form takes the “Lists” format; showing lists of Parent Assets, Child Assets and Transactions. These lists are divided by Expander Bars which now “remember” the Expanded or Collapsed state from the last time they were displayed

      In the Queries window a Query can be selected by an Administrator and assigned to a non-Administrator or selected by a non-Administrator and assigned to an Administrator

      The Asset form, “Delete” Task is now labeled “Delete Asset” to avoid it being mistakenly selected, when deleting items in Asset lists, which is done with the “Delete Assets” Task

      Integration with the TRIM 7.1 DMS has been implemented, including:

      Documents that are attached to actions are placed in the TRIM container as defined on the nearest ancestor Asset

      Documents that are registered in TRIM use the logged in user. This is enabled with pass-through authentication.

      The authentication model has been improved to allow Pass-through authentication for Conquest III in IIS that will integrate better with:

      SQL Server

      SQL Reporting Services

      Third-party software such as Trim 7.1 (Pass-through is in fact, the only way for proper integration with Trim 7.1 to take place).