3.0103 Build 4503.28429

Fixed bugs:

      Explorer, Editors and Lists

      The Asset Explorer in a Tab window now synchronizes correctly to the Asset Explorer in the Navigation window

      The Views in View Manager, view lists, now show the View Icon in Red for System Views

      A View in View Manager can now be deleted, while the View is in Edit mode and, while a Query copied from it is open.

      The View Editor now allows the Date Field to be edited

      List items now show their icon on the left of the List. There is a short delay, while the icons load but this doesn’t affect functionality on any item already in the List.

      The Hierarchy Picker forms now allow entry of an ID to directly select an item rather than having to drill down to get to it


      New Actions created from a Standard Action now have all User Field values from the Standard Action

      New Actions Created on a Defect now show the Defect in the Related Items tab; the Defect form, Actions tab is immediately refreshed with the new Action

      The Action form now remains in edit mode after assigning the Action to an Organisation Unit

      The Assign Standard Action Task no longer produces an empty list

      The Action Contractor list is now sorted alphabetically

      The Action Diary Notes are now sorted into ascending date and time order

      Some Issues with Repeatable Actions and scheduling. Now works like Conquest II

      The option to force assignment of an Organisation Unit on Actions and Requests now works

      A problem with creating Cyclic Actions is solved by upgrading Conquest II to V2.57a2 and refreshing System Objects. Alternatively, a script can be acquired from Conquest Support

      Actions must now be assigned to an Asset before they can be Completed

      Succeeding Actions, naming and refreshing now works as per Conquest II


      Show Disposed Assets option now works

      Assets in the Favourites section now refresh with changes since last used. See details at Information window

      Users with Read Only access to Assets in general, can now create a new Asset of an Asset Type that they have specific permission to or an Asset with no Asset Type

      Users must now have Edit access to a type of Asset to create it

      Asset Expected Life is now calculated correctly

      Split Asset is now only available to users with Valuation permission

      Split Asset Unit of Measure is now shown correctly

      When an Asset is Split, the Last Transaction date is now updated correctly

      Copy Down of Asset data now works

      Copy Down field list is no longer doubled up

      The Asset Copy and Move functionality now refreshes the Explorers

      Issues with deleting Assets are solved

      Changing the Asset Creation date now prompts if the Expiry date is to be recalculated

      The “Disable Insert Action” option now works correctly to stop the user from using the New>Action menu to create ad hoc Actions


      New Defects now show immediately in the Recently Viewed list

      Defects now have the “Add to Favourites” task available

      Deleting a Defect now works