3.0101 Build 4461.26249

      Introduces a change to the Build numbers shown in Help and the Conquest III About form, to allow for finer identification of functionality and fixes

      Fixed bugs:

      In the Logger Option behavior

      In handling Outlook messages (.msg files) as attached documents

      When users with no privilege to access Actions, click on the Actions tab, they no longer get an error message

      When entering a SQL statement in the SQL tab of the Query builder the last character entered is now saved, preventing an error message

      When an Action form is opened from a List and then Completed, the List is updated

      So that Conquest III is now consistent with Conquest II in how Actual Age of an Asset (Estimate vs Actual) is displayed

      The Find tool is more flexible:

      A successful, single-row Find will open the form for the Found item e.g. an AssetID or an exact AssetDescription but will not leave the Find Form open

      A multiple row find will always open the Find Form with the list of found items, as will a failure to find

      Clicking the “Magnifying Glass” button with no Find data will open the Find Form, ready for configuration or input

      The Find Form window tab now has a magnifying glass icon to help to identify it

      The Tasks bar label is now always correctly titled with the name of the “Find Type”

      Improved warning message given, when one or more unsaved forms are being closed without having been saved

      The Asset Explorer and the View Manager now have full right-click access to Asset and View item Tasks without having to open the item’s form first

      When the Asset Explorer is “Popped-out” as a new Information window tab, a Recently Viewed list item is created, available for opening the Asset Explorer from the Conquest Home form

      The Task buttons in all of the Navigation windows, panel headers have been removed to make the user interface more consistent

      New Queries can be created from the Navigation window, Queries panel, by Right-clicking in the “white-space” of the panel

      The Actions forms is improved by rationalizing the Identity details and bring the Assignment details towards the top of the form, specifically:

      Moving the Asset Description and Asset Type to the bottom of the Action Identity section

      Removing the Assets Details section

      Moving the Action Assignment sub-section details to the Action Details section, above the Action Urgency row

      From the Action form, when the “Relate Defect” Task is used, the generic Find Form displays the Defects that are available to relate

      From the Defect form, when the “Relate Action” Task is used, the generic Find Form displays the Actions that are available to relate

      The Request form “Add to Favourites” Task is available for a new, blank Request. Once used, the “New Request” favourite can be used repeatedly to create Requests from the Conquest III Home Page, rather than clicking the New and Request Tasks. See details at Information window

      Completed Requests show “(Read Only)” after the Reference ID field.

      When the Request form has Actions in the Actions tab list, they can be selected and deleted by using the Delete Task. If the Action being deleted has no other dependencies, other than being on an Asset, it will be deleted from the database. However, if it has other relationships then it will unrelated from the Request but will remain in the database

      The View Editor form now provides a Task to copy the View definition to a limited (SQL only) Query definition

      Access to the Silverlight Configuration form is provided by selecting the Conquest III Tools Menu (top-right of the application header) then right-clicking anywhere in the menu